
2 days left before __fun__ begins.

Reminder you can fail QTEs, don't believe their lies.

Attached: Btw+you+can+fail+qtes+in+this+hulk+qte+not+_e04ac04328f250b28d69e1c689fb9b5f.webm (474x198, 1.31M)

I'm excited user

Why? What fun game comes out in 2 days? I haven't heard of any.

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It's out Sep 1st?

Early access

ok Mr. Shill thanks for telling us.


All men who play capeshit are beta.

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Nothing wrong with capeshit. Avengers seems pozzed tho.

Yeah standard you get to play the game early if you spend more money shenanigans.

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These skins are ugly.

this game is a literaly shit show 10€ für new characters its a 60€ p2w """""game"""""

>£65 for 3 days earlier
>No effort skins
kek what the fuck

god I fucking hate capeshit.

all costumes seem to be either palette swaps of this or the pre-order bonus. It's kinda disappointing as a costumefag

I don't play GaaS garbage

>$60 base game
>$10 battle pass per character
>$5 skins for non-battle pass characters
>$40 planned DLC
>$15 planned character additions
Anyone that plays these types of games are the ultimate faggots in the gayest lands of the homosexual universe they came from. Go play your "pay for cosmetics" shit elsewhere.

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The $10 battle pass per character shit isn't true. You can earn in-game credits for them. Characters are gonna be free.

Source on $40 DLC? You're an unironic redditor, so you'll probably have a link somewhere

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I'm sure this fake. You earn in game currency, characters and story content are free and you get back any money you spend by completing the battle passes.

Nice false flagging faggot.

All battlepasses can be acquired with in game currency and all base character passes are free.

Wrong. 6 seconds in google will make you a wiser faggot.

I already did, Redditor. Why are all Zig Forumsoomies also unironic redditors? Really unsettling to see a new generation take up Tortanic posting.


Thanks for your concession redditor :)

What ever you say 4fag.

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>damage numbers
>enemy levels
>power levels
>damage sponge enemies
No thanks. Pure tedium. Its like those awful destiny, anthem, and division games.

Yes, you can pay for it for $10 or earn it. You know how hyperlinks work, right? You should've clicked on one of those articles, dumbfuck. The game has actual problems you could be shitposting aobut.

Why don't you read the article instead of just the headline?
>We’ve activated the premium Hero Challenge Card rewards for all 6 starting heroes at launch, so you can earn and enjoy all content across the 40 tiers for free. When we introduce new Hero Challenge Cards for post-launch heroes, the cost to activate the premium rewards will be 1,000 Credits.

>We want to reward players for their time, so once you activate the premium rewards of a Hero Challenge Card for 1,000 Credits, you can earn everything on that card, including more Credits! If you complete all challenges on your Hero Challenge Card, not only will you earn back your 1,000 Credit activation cost, all the content you’ll earn has a value of over 12,500 Credits. Remember, these rewards deliver fun in-game cosmetic enhancements and effects, but they do not provide a gameplay advantage.

>Hero Challenge Cards do not rotate and won’t be retired, so once you’ve activated premium rewards, there is no time limit or risk in spreading your focus between heroes. That being said, If you‘re in a hurry, you can buy “skips” to get through tiers faster.


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Capeshit coping is the worst. Read the article harder. You get 6 mains and then all others are paid DLC + Battlepass. You faggots try so hard to defend nothing.

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MAXIMUM FAGGOTRY. Its paid DLC and $10 Battle pass after the original 6 gay characters.

>"pay for"

You're right. I hope pirate fags get their licks in for this capeshit onions game.