3x3 Thread

Rate my shit taste.

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Fucking christ, you could not find a more generic Zig Forums 3x3.

missing dune 1998

OP when he sees a western game

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who? meh meh
nice YES YES
who? ok meh

Let's see yours then, show me what a non-generic one looks like. Hell, it doesn't even have to be yours.

>not recognizing God Hand
>not recognizing Dark Souls
what the fuck are you doing on Zig Forums?

I wanted to include Rayman 2 in that chart but i swapped it for JSR.

You seem like a pretty chill guy OP, which resi is top middle, 1 remake?


forgot to post mine fuck

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nah man I'm sure that's the ps1 model
of course it's remake dumbfuck
12 years old or 13?

time to log off for today sweetie

Zero escape? *nice*
Who is best girl and why is it Akane Kurashiki?

I don’t see much ZE in stuff like this desu. Rest of the stuff is pretty normal I guess

play Return of the Obra Dinn
>Metroid Prime
minus is for post F2P/hats/MvM TF2
play Magicka

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But why?

+ REmake, Metroid Prime, 999, Dark Souls, AA3
- Nier Automata
+ Banjo-Kazooie, MGS2, SSBU, Dark Souls, Kid Icarus Uprising
- TF2
I don't really like most girls in these games the Mountain is my waifu

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nier automata is the only generic Zig Forums game on the grid

Has actually the strongest ending while first two were weak as fuck (Junko killing herself in first one was neat tho) which is also meta and proper fuck you to Danganronpa fanbase.
Arguably best music in whole series, good atmosphere (though not as claustrophobic as 2).
I admit cases never reached level of Case 5 from DR2 but they were serviceable.
A lot of Quality of Life stuff, good minigames.
I liked the message too and i hope that Kodaka finally understood that he should give up on shitty overarching narrative of the games and focus on microcosm of isolated murder cases.

>God Hand
>Dark Souls
All Zig Forums-core as fuck

...Also a solid choice

REmake and Dark Souls are just universally considered good games.
God Hand is niche even on Zig Forums. Try to make a thread about it that reaches 100+ replies WITHOUT coomer bait in the thumbnail.

+ + /
+ - +
+ / +
Pretty good.
+ + /
+ + +
- + /
Akane alternates between being an extreme bitch and mega waifu.
/ + / /
+ + + +
+ + + /
+ + + +
Always fantastic.

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1/9 +dark souls

+Dark souls, nier, banjo, tf2
-xenoblade, ultimate

Decent taste, but play some games that aren't final fantasy

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I havent played xenogears yet but I loved xenoblade, what turned you off one compared to the other?

You should die for liking v3


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Demons is still my fave souls. Good taste.
Nierbros rise up. Automata is inferior. Played XBC recently as well and loved it.
MP is a fuckin perfect game, as is God Hand. RE is too, I'll acknowledge, even if I'm not a fan.

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t. Gigachad

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>The Last of Us
>Path of Loot
>Cutscene Effect
>implying you've played every other game in the thread
holy bait

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