Xbox games all coming to pc

>Xbox games all coming to pc
>PlayStation games all coming to pc
>all games will run best on pc

Does anything but switch and pc make sense at this point?

Attached: D8049A8C-8AAB-4E0D-A836-BBD34D1EE8D8.jpg (1200x683, 180.14K)

Switch emulator is already out there. Full PC.

pc gaming lacks heart. I'll continue to game on consoles, it's how I feel games are meant to be experienced.

>game crashes
>google error message
>read forums
>read wikis
>post a thread about problem
>wait for replies
>all your friends having fun on console

All my friends are 30+ and game on pc

all I have is a PC and PS4, and I find that gaming on PC is a lot more difficult for a couple of reasons
it's much easier to get distracted (porn, shitposting, videos, forums etc), a lot of games need patches and such to get running which means going to the pcgaming wiki and messing with files, and when it comes to actually playing a game it's always tempting to just alt-tab and do something else
there's no clear separation of 'game time' and general PC usage time which can make gaming on a PC feel like work, whereas turning on a console you know what you're there for, it's to play a game

Really? It was the opposite for me. My friends and I built PCs when we were teenagers and now that we're older we just want to unwind after work with a simple entertainment machine.

>pcfag has other pcfags as friends
I'm shocked. I can play RDR2 just fine on my One X but I know someone with a decent pc that can't run it at all. Hell, even the base Xbox One can play RDR2 just fine.
Console gaming is just pure gaming bliss, you can hust play games and not have to worry about unnecessary shit.

I'm sure they're having a great time dealing with bs paid "online memberships" to do any sort of multiplayer. Getting most or all games at an increased price especially indies. Getting cucked out of modding without performing necromancy on the console and being made obsolete every 5 years or so.

You pay for online on console because it's a premium experience. No crazy maps, custom mods, and hackers. Just fun.

All of my friends are 30+ and abandoned me years ago.

It is a bit more difficult to play games on PC yeah, but I’ve found that I play a wider variety of games on a PC than on a console. Most of my friends who own a console don’t have more than 5 games with them. But here I am with over 300 games in Steam, plus countless eroges and visual novels and emulators etc.

Fuck consoles.

Keep crying

Another advantage of PC gaming for 3rd world shitters like me is regional pricing. I bought DiRT Rally 2.0, including every single DLC for $8 on sale a few months ago.
And piracy.

>game crashes

my Titanfall 2 game crashed on PS4

Never understood emulating handheld games on a PC, most of the games are designed to play in small bursts, most of the time they also have compromised graphics and even if you use filters it looks weird.

Almost every playstation plus game I get crashes at one point.

No Man's Sky
Titan Souls
Lords of the Fallen
Super Motherload

I can't tell you how many times I've crashed to that blue screen for no real reason at all on a bunch of shitty indie games. Tried PS4 original, slim and pro. They all do it a lot.

>Does anything but switch and pc make sense at this point?

Not spending modern GPU prices makes sense.

That's incredible. I have a launch PS4 and I've never once experienced a game crash.

>he still buys nvidia

Holy fucking seething, keep projecting.

>That's incredible. I have a launch PS4 and I've never once experienced a game

Nvidia cards retain their value for longer. You can essentially upgrade for free

It has to run a videogame in order to crash. That's a little too much to ask for PS4s

Too bad here in the 1st world it has the opposite effect. Old ass games still cost the same price as new games on PC.

Just happened to me.
>upgrade windows 10 to v 2004 because GPU scheduling is supposed to give me 10-20% free performance
>it actually doesn't do shit
>now the monitor keeps blacking out randomly when playing games
Sometimes I yearn for the simple, innocent life of a consoletard.

just turn it off you absolute dunce. it doesn't do anything anyway.

Monitor still keeps blacking out. Tried clean install of drivers, playing with every setting in the control panel, nothing works. Noticed G-sync can't be turned off anymore too, somethings forcing it on and fucking it up in the process.

>first build was with an AMD card, was faltering on new games within a two year period
>second build was with an Nvidia card that I'm still using six years later with no problems
>price difference between the two cards was only $100

I'll never buy AMD garbage again.

That's incredible. I have a PC from 7 years ago and I've never once experienced a game crash.

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>magatard weeb shit

This is why I don’t play on pc

Depends on whether or not crossplay becomes an industry standard. I will never be able to get all of my friends to build PCs therefore I will never build a PC

>$400 for a 3060


This except with the fighting game community. Fightans on pc suck

>no hackers
Prove it, user.

I play console because the games look good enough and I love playing on my oled in a comfy recliner with a Dolby atmos home theater.

Setting that up on pc is a bitch