>log into Steam
>0 friends online
>0 friends offline
Log into Steam
Steam friends aren't real friends anyway.
>log into steam
>that friend you used to play with is online
>playing a game you have
>you never even talk anymore
>memories of you playing come back
Good god, thank you, I can finally play without interruptions.
I want to delete some friends. Will they know I deleted them?
Still better than having NONE.
>memories of old guilds
They'll just see you as offline forever.
>cousin made a steam account a long while back to play some games and so we could chat from across state
>still have her account added
>"Last Online 2635 days ago"
god it's such an odd feeling. doesn't even seem that long ago
>tfw Zig Forums is the only site you post to because you don’t have to log in under a username
i'll be your friend user. post profile
Why did my parents push things like studying and career on me instead of making friends? I literally couldnt give a fuck about my job now or how much money I make as all I do is work and post here.
>Only friends aside from irl ones are from a decade old dead TF2 server
>Sometimes some of them like my new screenshot or something
>Never even talk or play together
>Think about removing them, but they haven't removed me so far
>Accidentally send an invite that friend you haven't messaged in years to a game he doesn't own
>last online: 2439 days ago
Fake. Steam hasn't even existed for that long.
>that gaming group you had in high school
>last online 2 years ago
you didn't exist for that long
Just saw that movie, it was kinda shit.
>Log into steam
>Get rid of all my friends both irl and online
>Reject any and all friend requests
Surely I'm not the only one.
add a bunch of trading bots if you wanna simulate having steam friends
some of them will even talk back with some automated response if you send them a message!
>log into steam
>40+ friends online
>none of them are actually my friends
>too lazy to remove them
true, they are mostly just there to decorate your Steam profile. I add random people and never speak to them, and if their avatar doesn't fit the design scheme of my profile I remove them.
Joke's on you I'm already +30 like most people on Zig Forums
Then make some friends.
You never added anyone from Zig Forums or anyone who has Zig Forums as their main steam group, right user?
>never log into steam (since I play my Genesis on CRT like God intended)
>got a friend who always sends me cool memes or anime titties every morning
Feels good man.
I'll be your friend, we can play whatever together and talk about whatever you want.
>Make numerous friends through a few online games
>Years pass
>Still have them as friends, but know that I will never be in contact with them again
steam friends are annoying and more hassle than they're worth
added you :)
>steamgroup moves to trannycord
>turns into absolute garbage with constant drama
Attending school and university
Where do people even find that many friends in the first place?