>All of Zig Forums suddenly got teleport in the middle of Hyrule Field
What would you guys do?
All of Zig Forums suddenly got teleport in the middle of Hyrule Field
I use my going out of games machine
Rape everyone.
i'll go trigger those giant flying pineapples and then molest malon
acquire milk
With the pineapples?
Try to freeze myself for a thousand years so I can wake up in a better game
Fuck Gerudos
Shove a bomb up my ass for the ultimate sexual experience
go fishing
>hear howling in the distance
>see the sky turning darker
>the drawbridge over at hyrule castle is going up
>realize I don't have a shield on my back
>get raped by a gang of skeletons
This but then I jump on a shield and become a perpetual assblasted motion machine
Never played a Zelda game. I guess I'd look for a peaceful town, get a job, get a weapon, and start killing weak monsters for more money.
Haha, upboated. Us 4channers are such contrarians amirite?
>Picking up corpses thrown in the river by Gerudoes
>Putting up with Zora politics
>I just want to fish, for Din’s sake
Says the NPC
Sigh and start sidejumping.
Now we’re talking.
Fuck off back to your tranny hole, you shitlicking fuckstick.
Get the rupees at the bridge and the house full of jars
Just outrun them, bro.
Go sniff Malon and hope she doesn't stink.
Do a no damage speedrun.
Make sure to dab on Ganondorf by reflecting his beams with an empty bottle.
Get reward sex from Princess Ruto.
>and hope she does stink
Fixed that for you
>le making fun of posters on an anonymous board
>im so funny and original
such a waste of life
Get out of the going into games machine and turn it off, causing all the other players to seizure
Sprint to Kokiri forest and have sex with all of them
I don't man, I probably would just hang out with the other anons
Rape Malon.
>Grab rocks
>Break them up into an improvised knife
>Grab the spiky plants
>Braid fibers and leave in the sun to dry
>Roll into trees
>Grab dead branch that falls out
>Whittle branch into a bowlimb
>String it with twine
>Break stone knife into an arrowhead
>Whittle branch leftover into arrow shaft
>Tie arrowhead onto arrow shaft with leftover twine
>Go under drawbridge
>Hide in water
>Wait for Link to arrive with spiritual stones
>Emerge from hiding place and shoot Ganon in the head as he has horse stopped.
The only correct answer.
go break rocks till i get enough money for a deku stick in kakori forest then cut grass with it till i get enough for a shield. Also more importantly thinking about it now i should just bum rush the sword in kakori forest and just hope its still there.
Only gotta wait a single year to be in the best Zelda game
Collect heart containers and go to a Great Fairy to heal every ailment I have.
>All of Zig Forums suddenly got teleport in the middle of Termina Field on the Dawn of The First Day
>Everyone has an Ocarina of Time
Marry Malon
The actual true answer is that there’s so little to do in the game and so few notable locations, nothing really sticks out.
Compare this to FF7, you land in Gaia, where go? Gold Saucer, Midgar, Junon, Rocket Town, Mideel, Chocobo catching and chocobo ranch, fly around in an airship.
Zelda was a great game for the time but it was actually wafer thin