Wasteland 3

You DID create 4 custom rangers, didn't you Zig Forums?

Attached: Wasteland_3_cover_art.png (290x344, 145.4K)

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I will when they release anime mods.

Yes. And then made Lucia kill her bf. playing through with a mate. GOTY so far.

You can already add custom character portraits.

Should I get this, or Persona 4? I like both CRPGs and JRPGs

>Removed my knife to test a new perk

Thanks inXile

About to start my first playthrough.
Did they learn a single thing from wasteland 2's god awful balance or should i simply run assault rifles and toss speech in trash

Nah AR's are kind of shit compared to W2, Snipers are a bit overpowered. Most weapons in W2 were useful though.

What they did do was make initiative useless and INT is only good for damage, not learning skills, because apparently the majority of people who played W2 were brainlets who didn't understand you needed brain points to level skills.

>intelligence gives skill points and AP
>people didnt take it
that is beyond strange, i ran 1 int on a melee blunt character but that was because his entire job was to just take bullets/agro with his never ending hp pool

Game never tells you what taking cover does...

Does it help with evasion? Evasion vs bullets only? Does it only work in the direction you got cover from? Nothing.

New autism start. Two customs with max CHA and bookworm. Speed clear the prologue, then do a couple tasks to ding 5. Reroll the whole party as lvl 5s, selecting permanent quirks and dropping the meme points used to clear prologue and servobots.

Attached: 1582200119276.png (832x660, 303.37K)