For me, it's Dark Souls 2.
For me, it's Dark Souls 2
I definitely spent the most time on Dark Souls II out of them all. Around 500 Hours all told vs a couple hundred for all the others. I still enjoy running through it now and again. If anyone skipped it, they should play Scholar of the First Sin because the DLC's are excellent.
How the fuck did you spend 500 hours in Dark Souls 2? I thought it was just a meme.
Its a great game and I'll never understand why yall shit on it
They got told it's bad and ever never played it or were bad at it.
It's too long (well unless you skip places and bosses), i probably have like 60 hours into it and i think i'm only half-way through, haven't even touched the DLC's yet.
It's a good game just not a good souls game
not him but its a long and fun game.
my first playthrough was about 80 hours, and i pvp'd a shit ton
have over 800 hours
The delayed evade rolling is unironically the biggest flaw in the entire game
I'm sorry to hear that.