Kill furry

zoom zoom

Buzzwords too. Don't be a braindead parrot only repeating what people tell you to.

What do you think of the new Apex Mage difficulty in Aghanim’s Labyrinth, as well as the addition of Queen of Pain, Slark, and Templar Assassin?

Yea thats what a fucking edit is. Are you retarded?

same but
>kill furry
>press bind
>"yiff in hell furfag"
>later jerk off fo leafeon getting pounded by a human

You worthless waste of semen its a Soldier variant of the gigashit meme.

Attached: 8402uk26s7x31.png (1920x1080, 1.12M)

No shit.

You're not a true chad unless you type it out by hand after every kill.

I wasn't even a furry

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>rape subhuman w/ scattergun
>que shoueaidinfreuad
>type "noob" in chat
>"NICE SHOT" and "THANKS PALLY" voice line bind spam
>dude insults my hat out of pure seethe

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