Why was she such a terrible cop? I get that most cops are terrible but c'mon.
Why was she such a terrible cop? I get that most cops are terrible but c'mon
Coombait aside WAS she a bad cop though? Sly literally has plot armor so she could never catch him but its never said how she deals with other criminals.
this is what happens when you hire someone not based on skill but to fill your diversity quota.
A cop in a tanktop?
Friendly reminder that furries are not people
What do you mean by bad? She was good at her job.
What diversity quota its a world populated by shittons of animals?
adding females to the force
Sly 2 is the best platformer ever made.
user. Our world is populated by shittons of animals. It has diversity quotas too.
Fair enough.
We only have quotas for our species which is the only sentient ones. Their world has pandas, raccoons, hippos, mice, elephants etc that can all walk and talk.
Too bad she’s owned by a horse now.
you already made this thread today, BLM faggot
>I get that most cops are terrible
Maybe try stop committing crimes
The funny thing is that in Sly 2 the police hire Nayla, a Bengali tiger that's a Muslim with a hajab even though it looks like a hood, and she was a diversity hire who was extremely competant, catching Sly in chapter 3 easily, even putting Bentley into a wheelchair too.
she's good at arresting the baddies sly beats up
I'm playing it for the first time right now and it's pretty good. It's not as good as you claim, though. Platforming is wonky as fuck at times.
She had a massive White Whale Complex. If Sly was on the continent, it was his fault. She never once considered any evidence, until after Sly exposed everything and left. Even then, she only bothered to do that part of her job because she was pissed off.
She made me a furry.
>you will never be carmelita
It's not fair.
For me its Crash 2. I might give Sly a try one day its the only one of the big 3 PS2 cartoon mascots I never touched.
She's interpol, they don't even have the power to arrest
Please sit on my face Carmelita! I'll play your game.
>diversity quotas
Interpol is international, there's no way in hell they have arbitrary diversity quotas, nor would they need them. Also, it's explained in the manual how and why neyla was hired
Great Bait Op
"umm but how is this bait? user"
five reasons
1# coomer bait character from popular franchise
2# brings up hot political issue ie cops
3# furry character likely to attract furfags and their haters
4# off topic thread posing as a on topic thread to throw off jannys
5# asking stupid questions likely to encourage off topic replies
I hate everything about you.
Great self portrait user.
Great Bait user
"umm but how is this bait? user"
five reasons
#1 Pepe/Soijack post
#2 replying to an imaginary response in your own post
#3 using numeral + number sign rather than the other way around to attract grammar/math nazis and their haters
#4 using buzzwords like "coomer bait" unironically
#5 being a colossal faggot
so it's pepe just because you filled it with green color?
Problem user?
The platforming's not the best ever, but I'll concede it's probably the best PS2 game. Top 5 easily.
C R I M I N A L S !
>Great Bait user
>"umm but how is this bait? user"
>five reasons
>#1 shitty reaction image thats sat in your pc for years
>#2 replying to an imaginary response in your own post
>#3 actually being literally grammar nazi even tho you complain about them
>#4 using buzzwords like pepe/soijack
>#5 being a colossaler faggot then op and the post you're replying to combined
>best PS2 game
Not gonna lie, I have doubts about that. Top ten for sure but number one?
stop spamming your shitty thread you furry piece of shit
She’s wants the cooper cock obviously. It clouds her judgement.