Is there anything wrong with wanting an easy mode in a game that's too hard...

Is there anything wrong with wanting an easy mode in a game that's too hard? It would be separate from the main mode so it's not like the game would stifle its creative vision or anything.

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>easy mode
>in a game that's already easy
Why are game "journalists" like this?

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Is there anything wrong with wanting a bait thread in a board that's too boring? It would be separate from the main board so it's not like the thread would stifle its meaningful discussion or anything.

Yes. It fucks with game design and discourages devs from crafting engaging gameplay on higher difficulties. Is the difference between most hard and easy modes a focus on crafting different enemy encounters and emphasizing a mastery of advanced mechanics? No it's " You do take more damage and enemies have more health" It is not a fun challenge when I kick over to hard mode and the only difference is how much time and/or resources I need to pour in to defeating the boss.

ds3 was literally the easiest one in the entire series from demons to blood. kys.

many forms of journalism became irrelevant with the rise of the internet, most magazines are completely worthless in actual content now. what happened to all these journalists? they became clickbait vampires. that is the entity we are presented with today, not gamers providing a service for other gamers, but predatory traffic jackers sniffing out all information to post as their own.

No because i like it when j*urnalists seethe.

Just don't play the game you don't enjoy. Wow so hard.

Oh that's bullshit. After like, a playthrough or 2, DS1 is brain dead easy and DS2 has so many fucking souls if you don't die and lose them every ten steps you're massively over leveled.

>the problem with playing to win
What the fuck else are you playing for?

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Because the game was designed a certain way. To be hard. If you want an easy mode, play another game. I dont even like Dark Souls but thats just an insult to the devs.

If you don't play to win what do you need an easy mode for?
Also if you dislike a game because of its difficulty and there are no difficulty opyions, the game is most likely not for you and that's fine.

No, I don't think so. I mean the dev has no prerogative in adding one just because you want one, but if you're struggling with a game I see no issue with wanting an easy mode.

Miyazaki will never do it so these shitters can just keep crying and needing 3 phantoms to beat vordt I guess

>After like, a playthrough or 2, DS1 is brain dead easy
>after I've played through the game and got good muscle memory it's easy
No shit ,ds3 is still easier than that

I know this is bait, but I've never understood this mindset.
>waaah, I lost again
>I don't need to improve
>They should let me win
Unironically git gud loser.

>It would be separate from the main mode so it's not like the game would stifle its creative vision or anything.

You dont understand what goes into game development with games like this. People enjoy the difficult aspect of it, therefor its designed exactly with that in mind. From i-frames to hitboxes are all carefully crafted with the players preferred methods in mind. When people ask for an easy mode after the games release, you are just asking for devs to undo a lot of what they just did. I mean sure, you could leave the mechanics alone and just make everything weaker than fuck but then people would be complaining about that too.

>>waaah, I lost again
>>I don't need to improve
>>They should let me win
The irony is Zig Forums does nothing but whine like this themselves when talking about the real world and things like getting laid.

>ds3 is still easier than that
Still disagree. Way harder bosses, way "harder"(see: annoying) areas, honestly, worse magic and weapons/armors. I think the bosses are samey as hell, but not easier. I've beaten DS3 a couple times and I still get tripped up in areas.

Nothing wrong with wanting it. Nothing wrong with the dev's vision excluding it.

If the dev feels they can only finely tune the experience by knowing consistently the kind of experience the player will have, or if the point is the challenge, there's nothing wrong with that. Not all games need to be for all players.

There's also nothing wrong with preferring easier games. Just don't expect all games to accommodate you.

I'm having difficulty with DS3 right now. Not that it's hard, I'm just getting really lost.

But presumably you're asking for an easy mode so it's easier to "win", right?

lmao that's what fucking faggots said when Fire Emblem introduced the easy mode, and that's ABSOLUTELY what happened

Just summon someone you retard.

You can want an easy mode. But that's different to saying it SHOULD have one, or that you are entitled to win. You aren't.

>things like getting laid.

Thing is, there is an easy mode for this. Theyre called fat chicks.

Wait. They got an easy mode and WHAT happened? I never played FE

>The irony is Zig Forums does nothing but whine like this themselves when talking about the real world and things like getting laid.
Blanket statement, opinion discarded.

Have you tried walking straight?

Or prostitutes if you're feeling risky

From the first game on NES all the way to the DS era, if a unit dies ever, for any reason, it's permadeath. Can never use that unit again, but a game on the DS introduced "casual" mode. If a unit dies, it comes back next chapter. Now it's standard in all games. You don't HAVE to choose it, but it hurts literally having baby bitch mode in my fucking game.

>wants director to compromise creative vision to appeal to the masses.
>"it's not like the game would stifle its creative vision or anything"
pick one.