Why haven't you played BOTW the greatest video game ever made??????
Why don't you love it?????
This game is magnificient and is truly leaps and bounds ahead of anything any other game maker has done so far!!!!
It is the pinnacle of pinnacles.
What every game should strive to be but will never achieve nor come close to its greatness. It IS the best video game ever made in the history of forever!!!!!
In fact to call this just the best game ever is a disservice to it.
It is grand, it is magnificient.
It is so utterly flawless. That's right flawless!!!!!
"But user!!!" You might say. "BOTW has flaws, no video game is perfect".
To that I say you are DEAD WRONG!!!
Imagine the greatest drug ever that makes you tall, fit, smart, strong and has no side effects, however it costs 1cent. Would you say that 1 cent is a flaw?????
No you wouldn't!!!!
It's so utterly insignificant to what it gives you that it's meaningless. The same can be said to BOTW. Its strengths far outweigh any negatives that may arise. Regardless of how you feel about the game. Which might I say, if it is anything other than love for the game is wrong. You see my logic behind these words.
The open world that lets you climb anywhere, is the greatest thing conjured by man!!! The weapon durability system that forces you to keep on your toes. Down to the small things that you might miss.
Every is art. Everything surely cannot be made by mere mortal man.
Yet it is!!!!
This game is so utterly amazing that it has changed me. I was nothing compared to what I am now. My eyes have opened to BOTW. My world is forever changed.
I cannot and will not go back. This is the ultimate gaming experience.
Now anons let us bask in the greatness of BOTW.