Covid literally killed valve for good, gabens till hiding in NZ, valve devs are jumping ship, Seattle is crumbling and the community is turning their back against them. What the fuck went wrong ?
Covid literally killed valve for good, gabens till hiding in NZ, valve devs are jumping ship...
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Steam money machine go BRRRR
who cares
When is that literal rat going to kill himself?
covid has killed 20+ million people by stalling all cancer research world wide
saying covid killed valve is the dumbest shit ever, people have more time to sit inside and play games now more than ever
Stop seething valve drone
The players showed them that they can do nothing but release more hats and get more money then in the years prior where they would at least have the tournament.
If steam goes down I will never buy games again
>giving a shit about esports
I'd place esports somewhere between the county fair hotdog eating competition and curling for how much that shit actually matters.
Covid is fake and gay tyranny
esports is fucking cancer and ruins gaming by bringing autistic metafags into the hobby
Valve was dead years before chinkflu
Isn't that the faggot who kept baiting for attention saying "I know why dr.disrespect is banned but I can't say it" over and over?
That guy is literally just an attention whore
>valve is ignoring esports
based valve
>valve is worth 10 billion according to forbes
>gabe is worth 4 billion
>gabe owns 50.1% of the company
yeah man they're so fucked, basically broke
That's actually the point user
you realize valve is is a privately traded company worth 10+ billion with like 4+ billion in revenue every year.
Esports are a goof to valve
>Covid literally killed valve
>valve devs are jumping ship
Also nope, they are staying aboard for job security
>Seattle is crumbling
this is true
>and the community is turning their back against them.
I doubt it
They literally don't need to do anything.
Strat worked with Epic Games lmao
Oh so there really are faggots who want esports to be taken from the hands of the community
the real point is all it takes is a designer to make a hat for a videogame and make them hundreds of thousands of dollars overnight
esports don't matter, valve's main income does not depend on public gatherings for videogames, they make the real money as an online marketplace
>job security
>in seattle
just take a look at dota
>he watches gookclick
sorry I actually play games
Based. Also OP twitter faggot is a literal chink epic shill.
did you guys know there is cycling e-sports?
Dota is dying because Valve shit on the core gameplay by changing the gold and xp mechanics back in 6.8X
Seattle unemployment rate is below the national average.
>>job security
>>in seattle
that's why they're staying at volvo you dumdum
>low tier cyclists with a handful of sponsors are paid more than the highest echelons of video game 'professionals'
it is crazy how much of the profit involved in esports does NOT go to the participants
the only reason blizzard and riot games are supported is because without money being pumped into those shitty games no one would seriously consider them legitimate esports. they literally wouldn't exist as an esport without money being thrown into them to trick investors into buying in
Publishers and their rat lackeys will always hate the success Valve has made.
You should go look up the requirements for a person to be officially unemployed. I know that sounds stupid but merely being not employed isn't the only requirement.
>Steam hit 24 million players during peak coof hysteria
Watching dotatards complain about lack of competitive support is fucking hilarious when TF2 exists. Valve doesn't even give a shit that TF2 exists, nonetheless about its competitive scene, but I guess the regular updates and advertising of esports by valve isn't enough. They made a game and you want to play it competitively because you're a faggot, but they're supposed to sink money into that? Fuck off, esports is a cancer; games are for fun, you're a manchild if you're getting competitive over a fucking video game.
And now look how many of them were playing games oh wait lmao
I don't live in seattle so I don't know what it's like there, but I doubt other places are doing any better.
Even when multibillion dollar corporations sink hundreds of millions into esports it does not guarantee the players will stick around and spend enough to keep interest in the IP
see starcraft 2 outside of south korea
Who cares I wish all e-sports shit would die.
Based valve, Esports should be completely ignored and discouraged
Esports are just a fad and will die in the next 5 years.
that's cute
Valve simply knows that selling skins and microtransactions make more money than esports.
I really dislike the skin culture/betting/coveting steam fosters.
Why would Valve die for not supporting one eSports scene when they are the largest gamestore on PC?
Starcraft is so fucking boring for viewers. 90% of the 20+ minute game is build up for like 1 or 2 clashes and then the game is decided.
wha? gaben owns 100% of valve
It's exciting being there in person in a huge crowd watching two people bang away at a keyboard while everyones cheering
granted with the current situation that isn't happening anymore so I can't see an appeal anymore
WTF I love Valve now?!
>>gabe is worth 4 billion
Yea, but who the fuck is going to buy him?
sage for faggotry
>trying to drum up fake outrage at Valve
The FGC is literally a scene about to completely die, but people are fakemad about Valve biding it's time and waiting for the best possible time to give a bunch of Euroniggers a bajillion dollars for clicking on a 15 year old map.
Get the fuck out of here lol
Valve runs via shares, every employee gets a stock option so no
>muh esports
show us then. o wait lmao
Partly this, but there is more to it. Everyone is convinced esports is gonna be something that surpasses sports some day, or rather they are telling rich boomers that so they get tricked into investing money. If it does they might luck out by getting in on the ground floor, if it doesn't they scammed a load of money out of sponsors.