video game cringe thread
Video game cringe thread
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They legit tweeted that after the man died?
how is this real lmao
americans please explain this
Oh you have got to be kidding me.
>Using a man's death to virtue signal
Fucking retards.
Why is everyone dying of colon cancer now? I swear it's like tripled in occurrence in younger over the last decade. Is there some shit they're putting in processed food now that's unsafe and the FDA is dragging their ass?
Imagine dying and being remembered for a fictional character from a fictional country by people spouting a fictional catchphrase.
How about tweeting something about him as a human being and an actor instead if they really care?
the fuck is a wakanda
I legit cannot think of a single game cringe moment since I often don't go to creators/game twitters. That or I just block them out of my mind. I think the thing that crosses my mind first is AGDQ stuff.