Animal Crossing is not INCLUSIVE enough!

What an absolute travesty this game is. Nintendo needs to fix this ASAP.

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USA is on the border of a civil war and this is what the news outlets are focusing on?

>girls get 284728914 cute hairstyles
>boys get like 4 bowl cuts, punk rock, side cut, and maybe an afro

Every fucking game

it's okay they're mostly peaceful.

I agree. Where is my Norwood 4?

This is the woman protesting.

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you can apply all hairstyles to all characters in AC

> bitch has her hair styled to look like a black Kirby is squatting on her head
No wonder your retarded choices arent carered for in Animal Crossing.

Thats why you never give in to SJW types, no matter how much you give them, its never enough

The US is not on the brink of civil war, the democratic party is though.