If there was a game about a serial killer would you rather play the detective or the culprit?
If there was a game about a serial killer would you rather play the detective or the culprit?
>bike cuck
Heavy Rain?
choose to play as one or both
But they also like big cocks.
this is his only good comic
Has there been a game about being a serial killer yet?
Party Hard
Postal 2 isn't about being one technically but gives you the tools to be one.
Africa has more genetic diversity than the rest of the world combined. There are black people with huge cocks, regardless of what the average is. At the end of the day though your penis is a certain size and you just have to accept that, stop worrying about the handful of people who have penises 20% larger than average.
Bike cuck is unironically okay, most of his comics are reddit normalfaggotry but from time to time he manages to draw something really good.
In addition, twitter trannies hate him because he said that you shouldn't hate someone just because of their political views.
this is literally peak webcomic though
I've always thought an American Psycho game would be fun. You live Pat's daily life in a relatively open world and everywhere you go there are context sensitive prompts that are poorly described, some of which are crazy things to do and some of which are reasonable. If you do too many crazy things, he goes has a breakdown where he runs by default and you have to hold down a button to make him walk, and all the prompts become crazy things. At night, you go out and kill hobos. Kidnap young ladies and play torture minigames.
is this an edit? top kek
I don't get it. Why would he assume girls are interested in serial killers?
I'd prefer to play a game about a rapist where you are the rapist and stalk girls and learn their schedules, etc
Kind of like Rapist Hitman
Do you live under a rock?
What's the original?
There’s been a huge boom of true crime TV shows, movies, pods casts, etc. and it’s widely popular with women
do you think I interact with women?
Man, this is like watching a kid ask why girls would be interested in makeup.
I remember watching The Drew Carey show and one of the characters was obsessed with Serial Killers, and they played it like it was a huge turn off.
manhunt (sort of?)
Do you ever read the newspaper? Or even watch the evening news? This shit is well documented.
This shit is common knowledge and bled into pop culture in the fucking 80's, don't "I'm an incel so I wouldn't know"-me, you fucking idiot.
Thanks for underlining literally everything in the screen shot.
clearly not.
Any serial killer/ true crime doc netflix shits out is the new pumpkin spice latte
>not knowing what the word literally means
Damn I didn't know bike cuck was also an incel
Hello tourist.
almost all of these comics are fantastic
For the first time, I actually don’t get it
They're doing that Lady and the Tramp noodle scene in an attempt to win an eating contest.
It's comparing sharing the noodles to playing chicken. The first one to back down loses.
Didn’t he do this joke before? Also, post the “you don’t like me because I’m ugly. Well, why do you like me then?”
Girls are weird.
Detectiving what this post was
thanks doc
Both. If I was forced to make a choice between the two then the serial killer because there's a lot of detective games already.
Bike cuck must look like such a sad little manlet irl
Both at once. At night you're a serial killer, at day you're a detective who uses fake pieces of evidence laid down the night before to frame others.
>Have two sisters and string games like this were common
>tfw you have to do the thing when they hold it out to you and it's forbidden to not pass it on
These resonate hard.
Imagine being K*rean
Funny thing is this asshole actually can be funny when he is not going
Five buck says you welch on bets too, you honorless faggot.