Crystal Chronicles Remastered

I was really hoping this game would do at least decently well and that maybe we could see a revival of the Crystal Chronicles series. Instead, it looks like this game's poor reception and Square Enix fucking up the multiplayer has probably killed the Crystal Chronicles series forever.

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The multiplayer is flawless

I'm having shitloads of fun idk about you

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They're completely ignoring anything about the multiplayer outrage.

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Hibye72 if you see this you're an absolute bro
Thanks for using the Hastega racquet to rush us through Lynari 3 so many times

You only have Square Enix to blame.

I don’t know if I can handle it bro. I want SE to at least acknowledge what they’ve done.

They wouldn't dare.

They've got not a pair of fucking balls to be direct and at least give out a statement explaining why they will never fix it.

Fucking worthless. You expect a base level of decency and they let us down this hard. Fuck SE I'm never touching another fucking title with their greasy slimy fucking dog ass on it.

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They can fix the multiplayer in a patch

Can't they?

Please tell me they can fix this bros

not buying it until they add couch coop