confess your vidya sins
Confess your vidya sins
I enjoy fall guys.
i virtually never play elder scrolls "correctly", i pretty much always use console commands and like to just have a cozy time while i go around the game
Old single player games bore me. I'm sorry but when I play a single player game that's arcadey or just very simplistic, no matter how difficult it is, after finishing it I just feel like I've wasted my time.
I rarely ever finish the games I play. I have the attention span of a goldfish.
also, skyward sword was fucking good.
I give up very easily and i disdain those who don't, as they are masochistic autists hiding under a veneer of perseverance
I like to play vidya while sitting on a bad dragon
>also, skyward sword was fucking good.
straight to hell
i played OOT and didnt enjoy it. Haven't tried majora's mask though. I think gamefreak are one of the laziest developers out there. Valve annoys the fuck out of me with how they handle press and the fact that they dont make games anymore. Oh and while i dont mind smash bros as a game, I fucking hate how it clogs up this board.
i gave up dark souls because i thought it was too hard. i dont think i gave up on a particularly difficult section though, i just died somewhere and didnt feel like powering on, to just do the same thing again and again. somewhere around blighttown is when the game just felt more exhausting than fun.
i often play on easy
>video games
I don't play those.
I have this problem where I finish none of the games I play.
Sometimes, I create about 20 characters that I play for 2 hours each then abandon the game forever.
I'm just playing luxor 5 right now.
It only takes like 5 minutes to finish Blighttown though...but then again you're new to the game obviously you wouldn't know that, but I urge you to try again if you happen to consider going back.
Don't worry, soon you'll feel like this with every game.
I love retro games but I don't want to pay money for them.
For fucks sake they don't even last an hour
Beyond: Two Souls is one of my favourite games.
>I love retro games but I don't want to pay money for them.
That's a sin? Don't most people feel this way?
I always play Souls games in offline mode.
>missing out on the fun of beating up lower level players
perfectly valid.
sometimes you just want to chill without INVADER: [BIG FUCKING HORSEC**K] desperately trying to gank your ass.
I play games that I know I like, and ignore games toted as "the best game ever" like skyrim, Fallout:NV, and Witcher 3.
If a RPG contains a lot of dialogue i'll instantly like it because it makes me feel like I have friends
I played OoT last year and I thought it was decent, but then I played Majora's Mask after and I loved it. The slightly strange atmosphere everything has just makes it far more interesting to me. I played the 3DS versions of both, and I know some people complain about some of the changes to MM but I still thought it was fantastic.
>Beyond: Two Souls is one of my favourite movies
I have like 50 hours just playing training mode in bbtag and just like three online matches because I like to see how teams can combo together
I quicksave before all sneak/pickpocket/thievery attempts and reload if caught
I used the speed run strat to kill Demon of Hatred
I play as females and pursue lesbian romance options if they're cute.
I'm playing DS2 right now but I've never been invaded since near the beginning at Heide's Tower of Flame. I don't know why, I see ghosts all over the place so people are playing.
I play FIFA
Souls are singleplayer games first and foremost
I just want to play good jrpgs but they dont exist. So I tell everyone else jrpgs are good in hopes they suffer like me
I post bara on Zig Forums and play as sexy buff men because I want to be a male
dark souls is one of the most confusing games i have ever played, i simply do not understand the stats at all, i have no idea how to properly "build" a character. even reading about it doesnt make it very intuitive for me. when i level up i always feel like im doing it wrong
I boutght complete edition games to finish them to the 100%, but sometimes i don't play for while and not even end the main story and buy some new game
I seriously fucking suck at multiplayer games and have just retired from playing because I typically struggle even in non competitive settings and feel like sharping multiplayer video game skills is a huge fucking waste of time. I get one good game and it's down hill the harder I try the worse I get
it's ok user, we'll get there someday, together.
I almost always play a hexer in ds2.
I think DS3 is the worst game in the series because dark magic is horrible in it.
What is bara? Is it american slang for circumsized dick?
bara is japanese slang for big, buff, burly dudes doing big, buff, burly dude things.
Also, it's very gay.
Me too. Because I pirated all of them.
I never beat Kirby Planet Robobot True Arena because I kept getting grazed by the heart's double wave
Nice. I also play as sexy buff men but the reason i do it is because i want to be buff and sexy
Sharpening* also I found dark souls 2 to be more fun than 3 with it's messy disorganized "charm", I know I know, "it's not a flaw it's a feature :)" but I also love stalker so it makes sense
I put all my souls in HP, Stamina and Strenght. I don't even know what the other stuff is about
I like SA1 but dislike SA2.
I bought a PC so I could more easily use emulators, but I'm afraid of downloading anything because I was raised with Apple products instead of plebian PCs.
I play War Thunder arcade mode.
stats give diminishing returns after 40 and even more so at 50
Vitality gives you HP and resistances
Endurance gives you stamina and equip load
STR makes your STR-scaling weapons do more damage, the better the scaling rating on a weapon, the more damage
DEX is the same as STR, also makes your sorcery slightly faster when at 45
INT and Faith makes your sorcery and miracles respectively better
Resistance is dogshit and you shouldn't level it
that's it
Just increase STR, DEX or INT depending on how you want to deal damage to 40 or 50, then either increase vitality if you are a roller or endurance if you want to be a turtle
It's more basic than rpgmaker games, come on