Was it autism?
No Straight Roads
Dk west needs to go and stay go
Why is everything autism with you people
Don't know, but she's cute either way.
She set a nigga's hair on fire for art, and calls it "bright lights," I don't know what else to call that if not autism
I don't think she realized she had set his hair on fire. Due to how eccentric her designs are I'm pretty sure they were actual lights that got too hot.
Likely to be the case though she soon learned it set his hair on fire. She even scolds Zuke for still being mad about it, thinking it's no big deal.
DK West is a total cunt and Im amazed they made Mayday make it sound like Zuke is a bastard when even his second conflict opened with trying to make peace with that shit heel.
Both his attitude and his filtered segments.
Fighting Eve is like fighting Nico Robin, incredibly fun fight.
It was cool. Love the trippy reality bending feel of it.
No, she's Bipolar and has hallucinations.
They could not be anymore heavy handed with the bipolar imagery by the wat.
Boss Ranks! Top is your favorite, Bottom is your least! GO!
>DK West
Protect this smile, user
For me:
>DK West
what is this game about?
No strong opinion on West
What's wrong with her neck?
>listen to the boss tracks by themselves
>they're good but it's not the same without the boss attacking and talking
Wish the game had more focus on the rythym parts. Stuff like DJ SS scratching the discs, 1010 going "TO THE SKIEEEES"/"LOAD AND SHOOOOT" and Yinu's mom banging on the floor on sync with Yinu playing the Piano just adds so much to the fights.
Curved Roads
You play as a duo of rockers who face off against the EDM artists of a corporation named NSR that controls Vinyl City. You face off against each one to bring rock back. Each boss has their own unique story to them.
It's No More Heroes but also Brutal Legend
I thought Mayday’s point was to make Zuke and West make amends with each other.
Not at all really. She just stands at the back while you dodge shit.
Dont worry about it
Come to think of it, I don't think Eve herself does any direct attacking, she just summons hands and feet from the walls
Anyone got a reference for the mysterious performer we never see in the game at the Tatiana fight on the murals? Feel like drawing them.
I love the way he says it
Yeah like Nico Robin, you fucking dingus.
Same. His VA is great.
>DK West 1
>DK West 2 and 3
The later DK West fights not only lack the banger beat from the first but are also the git gud moments of the game, also 1010 sucks compared to most of the other fights imo