Game has achievement for dying

>game has achievement for dying
>game has achievement for getting all achievements
>game has a specific achievement for beating the game on each difficulty
>game has achievement for starting the game for the first time
>game has achievement that is no longer achievable

Attached: 1548040811436.png (737x691, 669.94K)

God black people are so ugly

>game has achievement for playing on a mac

Attached: Dempsey can't take it.png (663x678, 337.6K)

>game has an achievement for playing on a free weekend even though there's no more free weekends

>no longer obtainable
Fucking nrs and WB servers for mk9 can suck my balls. Fucking ridciulous


Achievemnts are a psyop

care to elaborate?

>Game has one achievement

>>game has achievement for getting all achievements
Doesn't every game with achievements have this? I know PS has platinum trophies for this, and steam games have 100% achievement