What's this "samus 2 is a horror game" meme

what's this "samus 2 is a horror game" meme

Attached: 220px-Metroid2_boxart.jpg (220x222, 20.33K)

It started off of that one youtube video essay where the guy likened the entire thing to a horror game
The mentality just stuck after that

I wonder, are they zoomers? because the big brick can't really do horror well

the metroid franchise would be better off with more horror elements (ala Fusion) but they decided to make the franchise about your Galactic Federation friends in space and it's dead now unless Prime 4 turns it around.

yeah but we're talking specifically about 2

This. I can see it, with the feelings of suspense when entering a big empty room.

it's hard to get that feel when your screen is cramped.

It wasn't that bad.

the sprites were literally big and zoomed in, colors didn't help either. they knew the gameboy couldn't do scary

>it's dead now
Samus Returns was great you faggot