There was only one thread

There was only one thread.

Attached: There was only one ship.jpg (862x383, 25.94K)

One? Are you sure?

>Yes. They called it...

Why was it not deleted, with the rest of their threads?

they fled, as the mods set fire to their thread.

>But I followed with all the jannys in my command

When you first saw Zig Forums, were you blinded by its majesty?


>while you do what? go down with the ship?
>in a manner of speaking

Attached: keyesbane.png (590x739, 248.95K)

>Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?


Yet the shitposters were able to evade your mods, land on the Zig Forums, and desecrate it with their filthy threads?

>Noble Moot...surely you understand that once the...

this thread is just OP samefagging. sad.

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I'm enjoying it.

Vorefags attacked...

There will be order in this Thread!

You were right to focus your attention on the Vorefags, but this Demon, this...

You were right to focus your attention on the vore. But this cunny, this cheese pizza..

Cunny poster...

This samefagging OP...

By the time I learned the Demon's intent, there was nothing I could do.

Prophet of Zig Forums, this has gone on long enough. Make an example of this samefag. The Thread demands it.

You are one of our most cherished posters. Long have you led your threads with honor and distinction, but your inability to safeguard Zig Forums...was a colossal failure.

Nay, it was shitposting!

Attached: Nay it was heresy.jpg (884x453, 29.68K)


I will continue my posts against the cunny posters.

You will not.

Attached: 1593369158064.jpg (1320x1980, 1.24M)

Soon the post limit shall begin.

But when it does, the weight of your shitposting will stay your feet, and you shall be left behind.

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I have to say, I like this thread.
>This being very clever.

Attached: When we joined v.jpg (943x335, 51.68K)