If they removed at-least 60% of the grinding and not force you to wait nearly up to 3 days for certain things to get them it would help it a lot.
If they removed at-least 60% of the grinding and not force you to wait nearly up to 3 days for certain things to get...
But then the game would die faster as people would realize they have nothing left to do without the waiting to bloat playtime.
just accept that its a bad game
this game is the textbook definition of a skinner box
the grinding is why people play that game
99% percent of mmos are argueably "about the grind" it's just making it less cancer and making the fun parts of the game more frequent
That only really sucks for like the first few MRs, then you're strong enough to have enough stuff to do for 24-72 hours.
I still have like 5 quests pending, literally hundreds of relics to open, I could go do calphalon simaris scans, I got a sortie to do every day, nightwave challenges, railjack missions, steel path, that heart of deimos update just dropped with a ton of new content, I'm still like rank 1 with cetus and the quills but rank 3 with orb vallis, I still got a bunch of new weapons to rank up for the first time, and I'm only MR12 atm.
Not really.
I've been there since the beta, the game is as brainless a demo of an actual shooter as it ever was.
How many defenseless hordes of dumbshits did you mow down by now?
The game blows, the open world turned out to be shit, I've buried it.
The company behind this game is the most incompetent group of high-school-tier 40-somethings that refuse to listen, refuse to learn and refuse to change. They get away with it because the game is so vastly irrelevant in the grand scheme of the industry that nobody is writing about them in a negative way. And this is AFTER they got free china money to spend, so they are very adamant about not improving a goddamn thing since the game began, which is like 6 or 7 years ago. They are on the same tier as major AAA companies that do shady bullshit, but again, they get away with it because they're irrelevant canadian retards.
This game is supported exclusively by a specific type of autist. Other people that actually like video games will inevitably find it a chore and a pointless grind towards absolutely nothing, with nothing to gain or to lose, rendering the whole point of even touching the game moot. Fuck Digital Extremes and fuck the people that still support this piece of shit. The fact that they had a supposed major update recently yet nobody gives a fuck (because surprise: it's a bunch of useless nothing and more of the same old shit) should tell you all you need to know about this game and the company trying to desperately make it relevant in an evolving industry.
>evolving industry
just made your entire rant null, congratulations.