Why do gamers say they hate "politics in video games" all of a sudden when games have had political themes for decades?
Why do gamers say they hate "politics in video games" all of a sudden when games have had political themes for decades?
They don't mean politics they mean homosexuals, women, and minorities..
I honestly wish I never discovered video games and my parents were more strict and forced me to learn an instrument or play a sport or something.
There’s a difference between being political/having politics and pushing politics
There is difference between having fictional politics and endorsing real-life ideology.
Because there is a difference between identity politics and geopolitics.
They don't hate politics they hate trannies, but that isn't acceptable to say in modern society.
*politics i don't like
Political themes are not akin to modern pandering and bullshit topical identity shit
Let's unpack this... there's a fundamental difference between putting politics, nonfiction or not, into your game and letting hot trend politics influence the DECISIONS you make for the game.
I know it's a shitty wojak image but the fact there are people on this board that think games made in 2007 are good is hilarious to me
There's a clear cut difference between the "war is bad" kind of universal and timeless politics and the "FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEPLO" kind of politics
Games developers didnt insult their fanbase back then
Having political content isn't the same as being ideologically driven.
You will ignore this post.
actually hilarious
Same, maybe I wouldn't be a social retard if my parents hadn't allowed me to sit inside playing vidya all day.
Why do you keep making this thread?
Why do anons still reply to this bait?
Why am I replying to this bait?
You have to go back
The "no politics in games" argument is retarded. We are fine with politics, not subversive Marxist propaganda.
Yeah but back then they weren't constantly targeted by foreign agencies to fucktrain them into believing fringe, retarded bullshit and indulge in their social inadequacies instead of trying to fix them. So you've got a demographic that's generally docile and easy to manipulate getting bombed with hate propaganda and lies 24/7, so they hate and piss and shit and moan at anything that even remotely tries to break that bubble.
>implying the unbiased reflections of reality we used to get are exactly as political as forcing gay shit that nobody likes in
None of those games shoehorn the political themes as to make the game a glorified lecture. They are good games first and foremost.
Conservatives lose over time
to be left wing is to be against reality
We, the gamers, dont hate politics, we just hate trannies, gays, women, niggers, goatfuckinniggers, mexicanniggers, whiteniggers, yellowniggers, orangeniggers, redniggers, brownniggers, your sister, your sister's girlfriend oh and you.
subtle politics themes =/= modern faggotry. but hey, Deus ex is the same as DA:I gay sex!
Has nothing to do with politics. Ayn Rand and objectivism is just curtain dressing on a 'neat' setting
Has nothing to do with politics. Is slapstick parody of 50s neuroticism.
>Metal Gear Solid 3
Nothing to do with politics AT ALL besides mentioning the Cold War once
It's a game about shooting dudes. Has no political content whatsoever.
>Deus Ex
Game about conspiracy theories.
>Beyond Good & Evil
No politics.
Industrialization is bad for some raisin.
>Mass Effect
By what logic? Conservatives have more kids and you're the ones that say racism is taught.
I don't recall call of duty trying to coarse us into invading a country or cut my dick off.
>By what logic?
Go outside it is self evident
What you mean is you want more of your political indoctrination, we get it.
Remember the same people crying about how others shouldn't cry about politics in games literally sent death threats over a fist.
Identity politics you mean
t. incel
I hate faggots, trannies and nogs in my games. More than anything I fucking hate communists.
>They don't mean politics they mean homosexuals, women, and minorities..
Also, I am fine with most minorities. Most of them are not a problem.
>Has nothing to do with politics. Ayn Rand and objectivism
Stopped reading, you defeated yourself in an argument.
Because games had good writing to substantiate the political themes in them. Nowadays the political themes are blatant and hamfisted, and generally not very fun to play because of how in your face they are.
Which is part of all politics
People don't hate politics, they hate modern american garbage like: transrights, immigrants, Islam and jews
>modern american
Politics has become short form for "identity politics" when somebody on this site criticises the inclusion of politics in games. A hollow liberalism which refuses to analyse the complex structures of class and power relations in favour of reverting to an analysis purely founded upon the categories and classifications of an oppression they claim to oppose.
No one hates 'politics in video games' this is just a misnomer that brainlets like you latch onto to make shitposts. Gamers hate pop politics and trends informing game design and narratives, and goody goody virtue signaling in what should otherwise be a relaxing medium free from """serious issues""".
holy shit imagine being this dumb
Because people are fucking sick of politics
Politics in and of itself arent the problem. Its the pandering to current day real world politics.
>russian ultranationalists take over the country and attack the west
>rogue us general/ government agency tries to take over control
>fictional city explored unhinged capitalism without giving you the real world commy narative
>factions in deus ex and fallout tackle grand, overarching narratives in fictional ways
All of the above is good. No one cares.
But remember Far Cry or Wolfenstein, when everyone thought it was about "FUCK DRUMPF SUPPORTERS xDDDD"
Thats the kind of real world current day political tribalism that can fuck off (in the case of far cry, it turned out non political. In wolfenstein on the other hand, you aided black supremacy communist and BJ, a white dude with polish origins suddenly insulted nazis as "white ass", totally out of touch with the setting and the time it depicted.)
These weren't about modern, real, relevant politics, apart from CoD which are mostly about wars we were in that we never understood anyway. Deus Ex is spot on but most people have always been too bluepilled for them to notice or care.
We can never truly escape ideology, but we can employ independent critical thought.
Having political elements is one thing, gearing your ENTIRE game around IN YOUR FACE political views is another.
Mentioning Ayn Rand in passing does not mean the subject matter is objectivism and politics. Bioshock is a game about shooting mutants in the face. It is not a game about politics.
i simply choose not to see the politics
>game about killing nazis and white supremicists
really makes you think
I mean, you guys can still turn your lives around. If know your retarded then do something about it
>which are mostly about wars we were in that we never understood anyway
Americans are so used to bombing the world that they just consider it an unknowable, apolitical fact of life. Disgusting.
do you think they just included politics in those games by accident? all depections of politics is ideologically driven
what a stupid post
Then mentioning a homosexual in passing while shooting mutants in the face means that game isn't about politics either.