Iron harvest

Anyone played it? Is it ok?

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I've not even heard of it. Is this game art? Looks pretty cool.

God I hate the world building of this.

It's fucking trash. Imagine Company of Heroes, but with smaller unit cap, worse performance, worse balance, worse pathfinding, worse campaign and worse squad AI. Mechs are literally just reskinned tanks. There is nothing special or unique about them, which is a massive fucking waste. It is not worth the 50€ pricetag. Maybe 10-20€ at most, and even then only get it if you really have nothing else to play.

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Is this worth the pirate bros? I don't care about the multi just the SP campaign

not op but that's a shame, this trailer came on as a yt ad and it's one of the few things I didnt skip

because the trailer shows 0 fucking gameplay
the only thing the game has going for it is the setting

Why cant we have more RTS/FPS hybrids?

I thought they supposedly fixed half that shit?

maybe my weeb ass just wants a tacticool sora no woto game

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>female soldier front and centre in an alternate 1920s war game

no thanks SJWs

Russia has T-I-G-E-R-S

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>PPSH in 1920s' game
the developers are literally female transsexual sjw cancel culture right wing extremist nazi communist sympathyzers male transphobic religious zealot cultist atheist autistic pieces of shit

This. Imagine the fear of the enemy as they're charged by a 100lbs redhead who struggles to hold her rifle and is probably anemic because she's on her period.

The demo was an absolute shitshow with no optimization, and aping CoH so hard the coh twitter said "Wow, this is pretty familiar".
It's not a bad game, but it's significantly overpriced. I fully expect it to be $15 by this time next year regular price, $10 in sales.

Friend of mine bought it, said the mp is already empty, so, eh.

>10 unit cap
>infantry has the same cap worth as a final tier tank
biggest blunder right there and obviously due to console limitations

steam punk is the gayest shit ever

Nope its console trash.

Reminds me of Scythe, one of the greatest boardgames. We need some good vidya with this aesthetic.

iron harvest and scythe are literally the same setting, both of them base off drawings of one dude

nice larp retard

odds of mod support for this game?

They did, that user spazzed out in the other thread as well. It’s a decent game that may not be ground breaking but has a lot of live put into it and has been released multiple times as a demo to play in.

Strong, they said that they are looking into after launch.

>game has cool concept art
>gameplay is trash
I hate this


Not OP but they didn't fix shit from the beta. There are 6 multiplayer maps. Three of them are for 1v1. Two of them are for 2v2 and one of them is for 3v3. This game is $70 Aussie Dollarydoo's and has THREE 1v1 maps. The game released today and it's a fucking disaster. I'm under 2hrs so I'll probably refund.

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The game will also come with some sort of season pass too iirc

>Thinking they use real money

consoles lol

They actually hired the dude who did all the artwork for the game. He has an entire world of 1920+ that both games are based off of.