You have a little over 3 weeks to pick up pic related and all the DLC before it is delisted FOREVER.
If you get it, you can install and uninstall and reinstall whenever and wherever you want. But you have to get it before it delists or you never will.
Go out right now and buy what is most commonly regarded as the best Forza Horizon game with the best DLC and expansions in the series, set in the lovely Australian Outback.
What's better about it over 4? Also why is there no bundle of the game + all DLC like the Hot Wheels expansion
Benjamin Baker
Does this one also suffer from a garbage spin to win progression system? And does it also have those garbage story missions like in 4 or maybe an actual campaign for once?
Ian Evans
Finished it already but speaking of Horizon I just started 4 and I’m impressed by how optimised it is
Cameron Foster
Progression in 3 is not nearly as heavily based on the spinner thing. There is one, but they don't make credits nearly as difficult to earn as they are in 4
Aiden Miller
>most commonly regarded as the best Forza Horizon game with the best DLC and expansions in the series
but you didn't not forza horizon 2
Daniel White
crackfix when? shit doesn't work on latest windows 10
Brandon Anderson
Is Windows store being killed? This game is not even 5 years old.
they're trying to force everyone to play 4 instead
Sebastian Phillips
forza 4 is also on the store
Thomas Ramirez
no, the music licenses have expired
Joseph Jackson
so remove the music in a patch, the music is shit in every forza horizon anyway.
Sebastian Nelson
Car licenses also expire.
Ethan Baker
I'm doing the Microsoft rewards thing so I can grab a coupon for the xbox store and get the game for free
Robert Taylor
Yet it's never caused an issue for the hundreds of other games featuring licensed cars. Why can't a giant company like Microsoft keep their game up on the store?
Adrian Hughes
Because they want to push the new entry
Aaron Perry
Will horizon 4 ever release on steam? I can't see why they would keep it on the xbox store, especially when sea of thieves has made them tons of money
Leo Rogers
>Yet it's never caused an issue for the hundreds of other games featuring licensed cars.
What? Delistings happens to pretty much every game with real cars, because of the car manufacturing licenses running out, the music licenses running out, or both. Gran Turismo, Drive Club, Burnout Paradise... you seriously say it's "never caused an issue for the hundreds of other games featuring licensed cars"?
Liam White
Nah its to do with car licencing. Happens to all the Forzas. Wished I'd paid attention for Horizon 1 and 2.
Colton Howard
Burnout Paradise is still on Steam and Origin, what are you talking about.
Every Need for Speed since Most Wanted is still up too, if we wanna compare to a similar series. The Crew 1 is still up even though 2 was released forever ago.
Hunter Butler
If I bought the most senior version of this game at launch would I have everything already?
Evan Evans
I thought burnout doesn't use real cars?
Aaron Morgan
It doesn't, so I don't know why they gave it as an example of car licenses. It was delisted for a short while for some song licenses expiring, they removed two songs from the game and then put it back up.
Anthony Roberts
Also the hot wheels dlc
Ethan Collins
Setting, personality, gameplay has more progression, soundtrack, visuals.