"God, I fucking love video games"

>"God, I fucking love video games"
When was the last time you said this?

Attached: a2rxnB9_460s.jpg (460x307, 24.03K)

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last night playing tf2 classic VIP mode with the boys
that shit is so stupidly fun and we were all making fun of the other team the whole time while we won over and over
it sure does feel good to be able to play heavy and do well in a mode besides mvm

12 minutes ago

2005 guild wars
2007 wow tbc
2010 sc2 beta
2012 march early dayz mod

and since then nothing

I was told Zig Forums hates vidya gaems
what gives

same here

hohooo nevermind

I've never said that exact thing, but I exclaimed my love of vidya back in school

Don't worry, I only pretend to hate vidya ;)