What are your thoughts on Wasteland 3 so far Zig Forums? Post rangers too
What are your thoughts on Wasteland 3 so far Zig Forums? Post rangers too
Give me your thoughts postmaster, and I'll give ye mine.
>just rolled out of the first city
>random encounter starts
>some clowns with 600 HP and circus tank just wreck my shit
Played some hours, some bugs. The story is kind of nice. It rubs the fallout 2 itch. But the design and looks kind of rubbing me the wrong way. Its look kind of cheap.
I only played a bit of 2 but have played other isometric RPGs like the shadowrun games. I’m only a few hours in but so far I’m liking it. The voice acting and the zoom in during dialogue with certain characters have been a pretty good step up.
Le edgy quippy comic relief Deadpool simulator the game
Do I need to play 2?
Dude if you don't played the game why you bitch about it.
Not really. There’s some mentions to 2 but nothing g that will leave you confused. You can probably watch a video or skim the lore wiki if you want more background info
Yea that basedjak fits with your post because the game is not like that at all.
What's a decent starting build in this game? I chose
1 Distance/Medic/Barter/Leader
1 Close Quarters/Hardass/Hacker/Repair
I am getting my shit creamed on the easiest mode. Am I doing something wrong? Or has it been forever since I've played Fallout 2/Wasteland 2 and I suck?
Dude if you don't knowed english why you talk it
You just suck and are probably playing it too risky. In the early game before you get any armor, your guys are made of tissue-paper.
I think snipers are fucking STRONK, but my melee ended up being my strongest dude.
Runner up was explosives, as nothing could match firing a guaranteed crit mininuke but my sniper literally one shot a Scorpotron in my first encounter with one around level 21 and melee was running around being immortal, hacking all turrets, and dropping 1.5k crits on people for 3 ap a swing.
>western shit
90% of the games I play are Jap and I think you're a faggot.
Get wrecked.
I wanted to check it out on game pass, but it says my laptop doesn’t meet system requirements. Even thought it should be able to run it at medium settings.
I'm finding it a bit less engaging than the first game so far, but i've only just cleared the bizarre and dealt with the clown museum.
W2 suckered me in with the mystery about the random synth out in the desert and the signal condemning the Rangers.
W3 so far feels very by the numbers and hasn't really hooked me in so far other than having a decent atmosphere.
I feel like the UI is super uninspired and about as bland as you can get - it feels pretty robust, but just lacks any charm to it.
I feel that way about the levels so far too, the design of each area has felt very uninspired so far.
I'm hoping that will change as I go to Denver and the other areas though.
So far i'd probably give it a 7/10 - i'm enjoying the combat but most other aspects feel like a step back from W2 so far.
min/maxing was a mistake
When I say first game I mean W2
So you're liking it more than 2?
I wish it was cheaper so I could play it. I could accept even 40-45€ at release but nearly 55€ is too much.
Is it toaster friendly?
My whole party so far is ranged, but I keep getting these cool melee weapons and some encounters start with enemies already in melee range and i would like to have a beefy melee brawler with me. Do I just go full brawler + const + strength or what?
I found the melee perks for bladed weapons so far are pretty op - I can't remember the exact rules but it feels like about half the time my attack hits twice instead of once, hitting a new enemy gives me 3ap instantly which is enough to attack again - so could technically get four hits in off the ap for one attack. Also used the serial killer quirk and i get an ap refill for every kill - so my melee character just runs around mopping up all the little mobs in the first few turns while my ranged focus on the big dudes
How big is the squads size? 4-5? I don’t want to have to micromanage more than that.
6 but you can also have two pets with the animal whisperer perk, maybe even more with mechanics/hacking? but they usually fight on their own.
how hard is it on max difficulty compared to man game like underrail?
Brawling sucks. Melee weapons are way better.
Strength, speed and coordination are the attributes to go for
Still 1 too many. My autism can’t accept a squad larger than 5 going on journeys and adventuring together. I just don’t like it.
I thought those were the same thing lol. Do you mean just fists? Because yeah melee weapons is what I meant.
I made a brawler who started at level 25. They are MUCH stronger on a single target because of the stacking, but spend too long as weak shits and it's unnecessary anyways because melee stuns with hammer and then drops a crit, then uses swords to get free attacks and kills single targets anyways.
very easy, but Underrail is based as fuck. Not many games will be that good. I think this game is a solid 8.5/10 for me after beating it, but still nowhere near Underrail.
For some reason Provost insisted on getting his ass killed when I was wiping out the Payasos, I reloaded about 5 or 6 times before the loading times convinced me to just keep playing. Does anyone know what he gives you this time around?
assloading time
is that a finnish machinegun?
I heard horrible thing about this game - that you only make two characters and need to recruit 2 npcs instead to have 4 man squad. Is that true?
Playing game with two characters might be hard and premades in RPGs are always awful with suboptimal stats and "personality", no idea which is worse.
Ever heard of gamepass? Even without the first time deal it's 4 bucks a month for the PC pass, which would give you a year subscription on top of all the other games. Not trying to shill here, but you have a cheap option right in front of you, if the regular price is too much for you.