This is a test of how plebian or patrician your taste level is

This is a test of how plebian or patrician your taste level is.

What is your favorite game that has no coombait, no melodrama, and no fantasy elements?

You WILL be judged on your answer.

Attached: Patricians-300x221.jpg (300x221, 24.88K)

Your mom.

came here to say Streets of Rogue is awesome

LMAO. Nice dress, faggotus. Zig Forums belongs to the Visigoths.

Attached: me and the boys.jpg (1171x1600, 642.96K)

tony hawks pro skater 3

age of empires 1 now fuck you

Whats wrong with fantasy?

The Talos Principle.

The swarthy medoid cvcks watch on as the German BULL conquers their land, country, and women
