It's another Undertale clone

>it's another Undertale clone

Attached: moon-japanese-rpg-coming-to-switch.jpg (960x500, 100.58K)


>it's another bait thread


Attached: Homer_Simpson.png (360x360, 80.55K)

nice b8 faggot. btw the game is unironically refreshing & brilliant. anyone else been playing?

The game has more in common with King's Quest or Myst than it does with Undertale
(or with any of the RPGs that it's critiquing the structure of for that matter)

>do this menial task
>now do this fetch quest
>next I want you to wait and do nothing for a few minutes
>also, killing monsters in RPGs is baaaaaaad.
We've been memed by the fags hyping it in "japanese only hidden gems" threads. This game is worse than Undertale. If you can even call it a game

A game that deserved 10 threads reaching bump limit but got none.
Yet when undertale 2 drops you'll be hearing about it for years no matter how hard it sucks.

Am I actually expected to amass 10k just for the pass?

This is why you never buy games that only have being "subversive" as their selling point.