Sony just loves cluttering up your harddrive with garbage each month.
PS Plus "Free" Games for September 2020
Holy shit calm down bro, maybe take a breather.
If anyone uses Ps Plus for anything other than to play online then they have legit autism.
Last time I checked it wasn't mandatory to download any of the ps plus titles.
Are you retarded?
A free battle royal and the worst SF in the franchise
This version of SF5 doesn't have any of the dlc characters right?
Isn't the go to defense for actually paying for online that you get free games from it?
It does not, it'll cost you £19.99 to get the DLC characters+stages+costumes
Or you can grind and unlock them, but I've been playing today and god damn it seems as if it'll take ages to get just one character (unless I'm doing it wrong)
I liked it
I won't ever download them but it was the biggest fuck you to psnow users