Is boomer aim real? when people get around 30 years old do their wrists crap out?

is boomer aim real? when people get around 30 years old do their wrists crap out?

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im 26 and feel pretty dumbed down compared to how i was before, but its more noticeable in RTS than fps because i only started playing fps when i was like 16

Can confirm it's true - forget about playing anything competitively after 30. Really has more to do with you nerves than anything. Most people have had the warrior spirit beaten out of them by the time you reach that age..

Im 24 and already crapped out

boomers naturally see rulesets as inherently flawed so they dont try to be competitive at childish games that can completely change if they add +2dmg stat to some shit
only children cant understand this so they pour insane hours into learning bullshit games

My peak was when I was 15. I was actually banned from multiple CS 1.6 servers because people were butthurt having their heads clicked by me.

Depends on the person.

Thats not the only thing. My dick stopped working 7 weeks ago. Wont get hard or morning wood.

same but for me it was CS:S and battlefield 2

banned so many times for "hacking" now im so inconsistent. but I still have some moments

You just never got good, user. I don't play FPS anymore because most of them are garbage games, but I'm 28 and can still hold my own when I play MCC. I'm more aware of my attention span as an adult, playing the same 3 maps just gets boring. When I was younger I'd play 1 map all week and not see any issue with it because my attention was all over the place.

>back in the day
>just react and could calmly put my crosshair on a head and click easily
>overthinking, hand is twitch, reactions a bit slower

all that added up makes me lose so many fights.

is there something I can take to calm my hand and my mind so I can just react like I used to

>tfw sensitivity never feels right
>every day it feels too fast or too slow


>im 26 and feel pretty dumbed down compared to how i was before
Same here and I'm 32. I tried for two months to go back at where I was at Unreal Tournament and I just couldn't beat the bots. And I used to do that with the pic related, not a Logitech G502 Hero.

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You won't be able to play at the highest competitive levels, but there's no reason you can't still be very good at shooters. When you're 30, you've just got more shit to deal with in life and can't dedicate the time you used to on keeping your skills sharp which is more of a detriment than any loss in reaction time.

the G502 is not a good FPS mouse but yea I know the feel

Your wrist will fall apart due to your chronic masturbation habit.

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Not for me, If I put the same hours into a shooter as I did back in the day, I can keep up with my old skills. But I needed to be unemployed to check that.

how do I stop having such a defeatist attitude in shooter games?

>When you're 30, you've just got more shit to deal with in life and can't dedicate the time you used to on keeping your skills sharp which is more of a detriment than any loss in reaction time
Yeah, that's something to think about. I used to play for 5-8 hours a day, and even more on weekends. That's probably the problem. I think we can add everyday problems too. Sometimes I just can't play in peace with a clear mind. I fucking hate to get old.

Really? That's the first time I have an expensive mouse but I'm really enjoying it and feeling the difference. (Third world here. It costs a little above 1/3 minimum wage).

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no you improve you just need to take care of your joints, stretch your wrists and fingers and stuff. don't take lots of drugs for extended periods like coke or speed, meth that will fuck it up over time. lack of water wouldn't help. it's like everything yeah age is important but environment and personal effort still matter.

yes the G502 is heavy as shit and they had the nuts to include a option weight system.

Play stuff like EDF to constantly train your flick reflexes back up to par, fellow boomers

Probably. I'm 33 and starting to deal with carpal tunnel.

>be me
>get home from work
>kinda tired but want to go a few rounds
>get shit on by 15 year olds grinding the game 12 hours a day with nothing else to do

its the natural order I guess. I used to be the 15 year old wrecking shit

That's the reason I gave up multiplayer.

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>play single player or something offline
>start a bit rusty but after 10-15 minutes i back in the shit just as good if not a bit better due to having better mouse
>play anything multiplayer online PVP
>takes 2 hours to knock the some of the rust off.

some times I swear to fuck its my rogers internet fucking with me

>playing COD
>wrecking shit
>try to record some clips
>start playing like shit

There's a reaason why there are literally no relevant esports team with members outside of the 2X year range. Even in stuff like LoL that's more strategy than flicking your mouse the shelf life seems to max out at around 26 years before you're supposed to retire and be replaced.

single player games are designed to feed you enemies to shoot regularly, in online games you can go a while without seeing or shooting anyone, then you die and have to wait out the rest of the round, or find a new server

I think it depends on the game and how long you play it. I get my shit kicked in by 16 year olds in COD but top the scoreboard in TF2 and CS.

Only happens to numales

For most people it's a non-issue.


No, the brain looses it's plasticity the older you get and you lose the ability to learn, this is why old people are never fluent in a second language but there kids are, the human brain is literally not designed to learn post the age of 25
Naturally if you spend your teenage years playing counterstrike you'll get really good at it and those skills transfer to CSS, CSGO and similiar games, same with Quakes, however if you try to play a name game, let's say Squad you will be garbage as the skills from your primary learning years are not transferable and you are biologically incapable of "getting gud" now
I hope you didn't spent your teenage years on a dead genre like arena shooters or RTS

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I was always so fucking bad shooters
now I'm 30 and the last few years I've been getting better and better
regularly shit on people

Yup, time to get into fighting games. Lots of old fucks there.

Pretty sure most of the people who play shoot 'em ups are older too, and they're all maniacs with insane reactions. Leave FPS for the kids.

>30 years old
Fucking moron

35 - Never experienced this or any discomfort even during long sessions. I exercise often