Did 343 fuck up halo infinite already?

Did 343 fuck up halo infinite already?

Attached: 1596454141285.jpg (4096x3392, 795.09K)

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That's hawt

No, its probably going to get better but don't take my word for it

>ywn an Elite GF

Pretty much, yeah.
It's getting delayed until next year because of kung flu

Attached: 1496978045186.jpg (1280x960, 157.49K)

post more big titty elites and I'll tell you

No way, 343 has a great track record! Just have faith!

Apparently there's an ODST flood game coming out next year that takes inspiration from L4D.

If they make it worse than Halo 5 I would up and down be impressed

Probably to compete to the 40k l4d game