Who's next?
Who's next?
Why the fuck do people want Vegeta with an M on his forehead? Dbzfags are retarded
Omega Shenron and Raditz, the villains from what are technically (even if GT is non-canon) the furthest and the earliest points in the DBZ timeline, since Dragon Ball isn't being used.
Both have reasonably good dramatic finishers, Raditz especially.
Omega Shenron and guest character. Someone unique has to take up the middle slot. Maybe the Goat Guy.
Outsider here, none of these people are in the game already?
they have one series to get characters from and they can’t get everyone? Especially the guy from the first fucking episode of the series?
They can always just shove 21 back into the middle slot.
>Raditz isn't in the game yet
Wasn't Raditz like, the first DBZ villain?
What've they been adding to the game instead, every version of Goku where his hair is a different color?
>raditz in top 5
so why hasn't bamco put him in yet?
Guy you're replying to here. You're probably right. I feel dumb for not thinking that.