How do we fix physical media?
How do we fix physical media?
ssd cartridges
We dont
Physical media died after DVD
Realistically speaking games will soon be a 15 minute download for most people. Nobody is gonna waste money on discs or small ssds and cartridges any more.
and you won't own a thing.
>muh owmership
*flap flap flap*
As soon as digital media hits the internet its public domain you asswipe
physical media is dead lad. consoles are the last holdouts and even they are offering discless options now. it had a good run.
SD Cards.
You can't. It's bound to die.
The average person couldn't care less.
At best be ready for special collector big boy ultra cool consumer yasss queen limited editions of physical copies that cost like 200$ because they're shortprinted in very limited numbers. And be ready for people to eat that shit up and post their own copy on social media while they do the open mouth face.
>most people
theres alot of rural people
What does the boot taste like?
Not them, but what do boots have to do with anything?
He said people lol
After next gen, it's over. The devs, console makers, and publishers are all collectively maneuvering the pieces to make it happen. They are in it together (max profits, max control), and it's gonna happen.
folks, ya'll
As has to be explained every fucking time this thread is made, if it isn't drm-free, a physical disc would be just as useless as a piece of cardboard with a code on it.
You have to do something about the cost of media or SSDs.
As it is, discs are effectively just installs and lock & keys, whereas Switch carts actually contain the game's data, does not install data to the "console" except for updates and save data, and is only a fraction of the size of data found in your typical blu-ray.
The problem is that CDs are objectively cheaper and offer higher storage space, but pale in comparison to carts/chips in terms of access speeds without resorting to internal memory.
Starting my computer tastes sooo good
How did you mental gymnastics your way to that? Kek
aren't some countries trying to pass laws or whatever to make digital games re-sellable anyways?
Probably the Yurotrash Garbage can aka the EU
They are the ones that come up with real winners like that kind of shit
Modern cart access speeds pale in comparison to internal memory (HDDs included) as well, only marginally better than optical media.
We legalize websites to download purchased games that can be stored in their entirety on a physical medium of our possession and choosing, compiled with every single update it gets before getting update-discontinued.
Far too many games nowadays profess to be on "physical supports" while asking at the same time the download of several gigs of extra data from retail releases. That clearly is not the solution to the problem anymore...
why do i care if i have some 1s and 0s saved on a disc or someone's fucking server? it's all the same shit, physical media is dead
We don't need physical media. We don't need consoles. We don't need subscription fees to play online. We are anonymous. We are cumrats.
Physical media for games are a lost cause. Bluray drives never caught on for PC and a DVD can't hold enough data for a game. Even a single bluray isn't enough for games now. Consoles at least get the benefit of having the physical disc exist as the bare minimum form of ownership for your product, but PC games will never get anything more than a key in a box anymore.
I try to buy physical copies of everything I can to help support keeping the market for them alive, even if it's just a boxed key. Personally I want to see physical copies become the vinyl for gaming. Something that exists for the enthusiasts and collectors. Launch games digital at first, and release the physical edition on however many blurays it needs when the game gets all of its updates and DLC as a complete full package. I don't think this would work for PC from the lack of disc drives now a days but it's better than the current state of physical games.
>Bethesda shitting out this
>Bioware doing the same thing
>Nintendo doing it with nothing inside except the fucking game
>Sony does it too
CdProject and Rockstar are the only big ones left that give you some goodies in your games. A map, a book with background information.
How much do this paper costs?
20 cents? 10 cents?
A game costs 60 bucks (and in the future probably 70) so thats 0,28% if the assume that the little book costs 20 cents
what if the server exploded nigger then what?
What fucking virging cares about physical media lmao grow up
I'll be buying the disk drive PS5 but unfortunately most normalfags won't because itll be cheaper and they're already complacent with digital only media. Physical sales of games will drop significantly as only a fraction of PS5 owners will be able to buy them. I expect a lot of normalfag tears when relatives buy them physical games as gifts for their digital only zoomerbox.
you already dont
the physical copy changes nothing
What if you are disc explodes?
In English, please.
as I own the disc I can take proper measures to ensure that does not happen
What if you're disc explodes?