>main character kills themselves if you played the game badly
Main character kills themselves if you played the game badly
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Name 17 games that do this.
>main character kills themselves if you choose easy mode
>unlock the achievement: The EASY way out.
Indigo Prophecy/Farenheit
Think that's the only one tbqh
Doragon Doguma
real life
Didn't Fire Pro Wrestling's career mode ending have you killing yourself after winning the final match?
Mass Effect 2
Silent Hill 2
jackie chan
One of Yahtzee's games had that
Also Heavy Rain if you count Ethan as the main character, which he is.
Phoenix Wright 2
Dead Space 2
Does golden sun count? You can decline the adventure and get a game over.
Any game with fall damage.
>main character cuts his own junk and is on painkillers and dilating schedule for the rest of his life
Sonic CD, if you stop playing Sonic commits sudoku
Wicha 3's bad ending
Leisure Larry
came here to post sneed
Barbaric. Poor fucks
weirdos like you that are obsessed with trannies are worse than them, I'd never see their mental illness if it weren't for you hate-fetishists
Dude what the fuck I was eating
Technically every game in existence with a fail state. If you play the game badly, they commit suicide by jumping into a situation they're unprepared for. IE bringing a wood sword to fight ULTRA SUPER HITLER 5000.
Good, I'm glad I'm being helpful
>user can't beat ultra super hitler 5000 with a wooden sword
fucking scrub
>He doesn't know about the secret ending if you beat ultra super hitler 5000 with the wooden sword (bokken, for you gaijin)
Silent Hill 2
Y'know what I'm gonna head to /ck/ or something this board fucking sucks tonight.
Cute shark
>this board fucking sucks tonight
Came here to post this.
This War of Mine
Dark Corners of the Earth
>didn't use dishonorabru!
You had one job
>(((((Dr Wittenberg)))))
yess goyim pay for my expensive mutilating surgeries... what? you want to talk about this in therapy before deciding to commit to a lifetime affecting decision that will eliminate you from the gene pool? no no no you DO want to be a beautiful woman don't you??
don't forget to tip
well fuck
just start going to one of the eighty nice boards that were just made, they're way better