now that the dust has settled, do we like this game?
Animal Crossing
Vid got me hard
wtf i love animal crossing
this is some disgusting faggotry
>do we like this game?
>do we like the normies desperately trying to turn it into faggot trannyville crossing?
No it's bare bones and shit compared to previous entries. Small fraction of the furniture from New Leaf. Half baked events that are utterly useless and forced down your throat for too long. Way too much text to sift through multiple times just to do simple, basic tasks so it happens a lot. Everything has a painfully slow pace to it more so than previous entries. More frustrating than relaxing. Drip feeding content that existed in previous entries. It's all just a shitty, dull mess.
I dropped it at the end of spring and couldn’t bother to pick it back up. Hopefully the Halloween event brings me back but I doubt it will.
Based and Legal Hapa Loli Pilled
For me, it's Latte and PPOMO.
cute and for sure 18 years old.
Are people still making that meme porn for autists? I thought the trend finally died out?
Yeah, I love it. It's comfy.
People out there getting rich of ASMR on Youtube.
Racist piece of crap
>Are people still making porn
Yeah, I wonder.
This shit is really unsettling to me. Imagining an adult getting Animal Crossing and making Nazi shit in his game is just beyond fucking weird.
I don't care about nazi iconography, I care about the fact that person chose that to dress himself up with. It symbolizes a deeper mental disorder because he can't just play a game.
Like this shit for instance.
Her brother is gonna slay so much pussy once he sheds the baby face.
Have some good ol' American Patriotism then.
They go "hehe!! It's funny right?"
and when they post it on Zig Forums people go "OMG!! THAT'S CRAZY, SO EDGY!! "
And then the guy is like "Hehe, can't wait for the next person to see it, hey, come over here and look at my Nazi flag, haha!"
The numbers of permavirgins and autists are only growing, so the trend is only going to get bigger.
ASMR is the most normie porn out there.
seethe more
I do it because I find it funny. I don't give a shit what you think. I post it because you get mad.
this kind of shit should be illegal
It's only funny when it's ironic
Hello 2016 tourist
It's funny because I find it funny
>Haha guys I'm a literal nazi
Very funny
>he literally plays a children's game like this to post pictures on an anonymous image board for the attention he so sorely desires
Untermensch, by definition. Kill yourself before a miracle happens and you breed
Agreed, this whole website should be nuked out of existence.
Not him but unironically yes.
Post more user, love to see the trannoids seethe.
Why be mad?
>I'm totally not him guys!
But if I killed myself, I couldn't make you seethe.
if it got rid of porn worldwide it would be worth it
Except he's not.