"He's using his last potion? Do a critical attack."

>"He's using his last potion? Do a critical attack."

Attached: send the mobs.jpg (500x500, 26.85K)

>"He's about to beat the final boss? Give him a noncanon shitty ending and tell him he has to play on Normal."
Fuck you, Cuphead.

Why are there SO MANY pictures of him on the phone?

This is how Souls is programmed, yes.

What? Does Cuphead have a different ending if you beat it on Expert?

Because he's always calling the shots

based devs. more devs should punish you for playing on easy.

were you playing on easy you fucking homo?

>"He's questioning what I'm doing right now? Lower the drop rates on rare items."

If you play on Easy the final boss stops midfight and gives you a shitty half assed ending that makes no sense. It was hilarious at the time because a bunch of reviewers complained about the game's unsatisfactory final boss and ending only to realize they btfo themselves and admitted they played on Easy.

any article?

Ah, I've only played through the game on Normal, didn't bother with Easy.


Never played it, but holy based.

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>"He's running away? Spawn 4 Gorefiends"

Attached: Kf2_gorefiend.jpg (477x632, 43.95K)

Yeah fuck casuals who want to play for fun!

isn't cookieface the guy who had playtesters do ninja gaiden and then when they said it was way to hard he decided to make it even harder?


This but unironically
overcoming a challenge is the most fun you can have

Why would you want to play a game like Cuphead mindlessly?

>x2 drop rate and x2 Exp boost for one week

Attached: businessminem.jpg (512x512, 44K)

>He's buying a new RTX 3000 card? restart the bittcoin mining

Attached: mining.jpg (814x1029, 230.45K)

An IGN one but it was edited after he got pointed out, I might have the comparison somewhere.

MH reads your inputs to stop you from getting a combo going or healing.

I agree, imagine playing a game on autopilot.
Like who the hell has fun staring at a screen as all the problems solve themselves.

>He's comfortably handling the wave? Spawn some enemies behind him

>he forgot to save?
>crash it


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jesus christ I really hope it will be illegal in the future to make easy modes. My one achievment in life is that i beat hard videogames and those normies can't take that away for me

>"His guild is almost in the top 10."
>"They're a well-oiled machine of camaraderie and in-game competence?"
>let "her" in the guild

He found a good guild?
Increase of all active guild members IRL burdens

Attached: 180px-Bogdanoff_of_the_past.jpg (180x180, 4.99K)

Damn, he really is an immortal being

>he disabled autosave?
>reenable it and lock him into a bad save

>the boys have been getting along perfectly since childhood?
>introduce the annoying girlfriend
>activate "horrible breakup" and set the timer to 1 year

Attached: d345345.jpg (684x646, 116.51K)

>he just bought a flavour of the month game that his friends are all currently playing?
>release a new game

Attached: 1586181172944.png (805x468, 397.4K)

>He saved?
>Corrupt the save!
