are you gonna try it out, user?
25 days left for Genshin Impact
just another game to add to the filter. i un(You)'d myself so don't even try (You)ing at me.
Of course. Looking forward to it.
No thanks. But I hope you enjoy it even if I think you shouldn't as it's part of what is killing gaming.
I like BotW and Honkai Impact 3rd and it's free, so why not.
No thank (you). Im playing pso2
i've never seen an f2p game as gorgeous as Genshin Impact, so yeah I'm going to give it a shot.
How pay to win is it?
no I'll just watch some gameplay on youtube and let other people deal with the gacha and live service cancer
I'll try it if it comes with the English dub on release.
>even worse, p2w chinkshit
>even more worse, p2w chinkshit from m*ho*o
>gacha rates that are so bad, they make fgo look like the most generous game ever
Thes3 chinks really putting the Mao in lmao
Yea. Gonna reroll til I get princess Vergil and just play it normally after that
>this looks fun--
Ouch. Guess I'll just ignore it. Too bad.
As a lonely loser who broke up with the love of his life three months ago, would I enjoy it single player or it'll make me want to kill myself?
I would have answered you seriously, but I didn't need all that extra bullshit filling your sentence, faggot.
It's a solo game, there's no pay 2 win because there's no pvp.
The rates are what they are but you can basically get the 5* you want every 4 months thanks to the pity which will guarantee you your character if you're that much of a lucklet.
Given that there aren't many 5* in the first place I'd say it's a fair deal.
The only multi player stuff there is right now is co-op, and you can just play it with your friends.
Why not just say "would I enjoy the single player? I have a good amount of free time" jesus christ, nobody cares about your whining lol
better than botw
Yea I’m a try it out. It looks pretty fun game play wise.
Not sure if I would play it since I still have honkers
Don’t explain logic to retards. They think anything you buy with money is p2w, but you can’t win anything in this game other than doing content with other people faster.
This or FFXIV
>there's no pay 2 win
Isn't there an equivalent of the abyss from honkai in-game already?
Also there will absolutely be modes with rankings that have better rewards depending on what tier you're in.
So pay or grind? lmao I'll pass.
Yes. Looks fun.
You weren’t going to play the game anyways, you double nigger.
Yes i will user
> m*ho*o
What's wrong with that? Honkai Impact is quite playable unless you sperg about having specific S rank battlesuits in hard modes (in story mode you can play them for free when they appear in the story). Gameplay is fun too and story is really enjoyable.
>tfw not a massive waifufaggot weeb like the majority of the playerbase so i wont feel nearly as compelled to simp for the gacha.
Only character ive seen who looks even remotely interesting to me is the loser with a spear other then that i guess itll be fun for a month.
Fun thread full of faggots that don't know what they're talking about, like usual.
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