Mario Kart Live Home Circuit


Attached: Eg_l-V6XcAkmjsj.jpg (1786x1020, 167.36K)

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>they reduced kamek to an item

Attached: rev up those anitderpessants.jpg (484x272, 35.76K)


I hate these American-centric gimmicks. No one in Japan or EU has houses big enough to do this.

Unless you live on a Japanese pod hotel, you'll have plenty of room for that, come on. Have in mind you don't actually have to set up an actual circuit.

this is pretty cool

>Have in mind you don't actually have to set up an actual circuit.
You do. That's the problem.

Nope, only the checkpoints, not an actual circuit.

I would have genuinely SUPER loved this as a kid. It's unironically an amazing toy.

>live in shithole
>set up the track
>start playing
>see roach while playing

>think it' s Mario Circuit from the Advance redone
>see footage


Here's your MK9 bro

> my dog will be an unpredictable IRL course obstacle as she chases the karts around

fucking based

Attached: bear.png (600x676, 833.35K)

>there's roaches on the ground
>they look like coins on the Switch
based Nintendo

did they reveal how much it's gonna cost?

Knowing Nintendo, a trillion billion bucks plus tip.

>functional RC cars with mounted cameras
>plus the Mario license
>and the game
And arm and a leg, most likely.

Wondering how far the reach on these is for criminal potential.

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What's stopping you from doing that with a proper RC car already?

Wouldn't it be better if the carts didn't move on their own and kids could play with them normally instead? Seems like a kid would enjoy that much more than whatever is Nintendo trying to do here.

Five-hundred ninety nine US Dollars.

Going to be very disappointing if I don't see at least one porn video filmed by these guys zoomin around the fuckin

They’ve already made those though.

But that's wrong though, atleast for Japan regular 3ldk apartment would still have enough space for kid to enjoyed.

I'm sure in execution it will be a mess but to be honest i think that's a great idea.

It's literally just an RC car with a camera on it.
Do you really think kids don't enjoy playing with RC cars?

I’m totally getting this for my kids. I wonder how it handles a baby stopping your car lmfao.

This was my exact thought as well

I assumed he meant using the thing that looks like a toy but it also potentially a surveillance device for less than christian activities.

This shit would not work in a normal apartment, if adverts are to be believed. You'll need at least 60 square ft. of empty space for a decent circuit, that's pretty fucking ridiculous.

When I saw this I was like lmao did they partner up with one of those robot vacuum companies.

Go outside. The Switch is portable.

I wonder how good the wheels are.
In short. I wonder how well these would drive outside. The Switch being handheld kind of lends itself to this so it'd be a real shame if they weren't good outside.

I'm just here for when people trick these out with waterskis and firework launchers day two. If not mount them on drones.

>japan is safe enough to let your kids play outside
>plenty of space in the park for this
>your summer is filled with your friends outside making ridiculous tracks and RC racing
i wish i was a jap kid right now

I still haven't seen a single video or even photo of a girl shoving a joycon up their vagina.

The RC cars are not. I doubt they're powerful enough to drive on soft or uneven surfaces, look at those tiny wheels.

That was a Japanese kid playing it

looks like rubber so it should work well enough on pavement for example. modifying the karts to perform better off-road would probably be fun as fuck

kids these days have it so fucking good and they don't even know it. if this shit had been around when i was younger, i would've staged a massive track around my entire block with all sorts of cool obstacles and begged my friends to get their own karts too so we could have a gigantic outside race

gonna build a ramp and jump my kart off of it. its gonna be badass, i cant wait

Envision the autism

100$ according to Polygon.

I don't have to, I've seen it in action.

Attached: 1576993298093.jpg (1200x800, 138.46K)

>kids these days have it so fucking good and they don't even know it.
For real. There are so many cool toys around nowadays that would have absolutely blown my mind and revolutionized my childhood had they existed when I was younger.

What's this?

So they sold cardboard for 70 bucks, but now they're selling fucking RC cars for 100? I don't buy it.

IRL 200cc WHEN?

So would modding the cars to fit a better motor could as using speed hacks

Bizarrely, this was the coolest thing in the direct.
It's a shame it will be absurdly expensive.

Is that true? Because that's a lot cheaper than I feared it'd be. That's really cool.
I just hope the cars themselves aren't too crap quality. This is an extremely cool thing though provided they're serviceable enough.

>some fuck mods drone motors in

It's cute.
Nintendo was working on AR for a while it's about time they try to make real products from it.