Mario Kart Live Home Circuit

gonna build a ramp and jump my kart off of it. its gonna be badass, i cant wait

Envision the autism

100$ according to Polygon.

I don't have to, I've seen it in action.

Attached: 1576993298093.jpg (1200x800, 138.46K)

>kids these days have it so fucking good and they don't even know it.
For real. There are so many cool toys around nowadays that would have absolutely blown my mind and revolutionized my childhood had they existed when I was younger.

What's this?

So they sold cardboard for 70 bucks, but now they're selling fucking RC cars for 100? I don't buy it.

IRL 200cc WHEN?

So would modding the cars to fit a better motor could as using speed hacks

Bizarrely, this was the coolest thing in the direct.
It's a shame it will be absurdly expensive.