That one kid who spent 12 hours building up speed before gym class

>that one kid who spent 12 hours building up speed before gym class
he just kept muttering something about half an A press

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that kid that aligned his qpu’s

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Tucker Carlson is pretty based aside having retarded people on his show.

After you watch a lot of Pannenkoek's videos and understand everything the memes are pretty cringe.

>that one time the teacher wrong warped and didnt make it to school so we had the day off

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Why does tucker always look confused

>that one kid who bunny hopped to school
>that one time he accidentally hopped unto a new prop causing him to jump into orbit
>still stuck up there
I miss him bros

Speak for yourself, boy.

Constantly struggling to comprehend clownworld.

>that kid who optimized the way from classroom to cafeteria

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>Posting a known white supremacist

>that one kid who said there is a mewthree

>that poor classmate searching through trash bins looking for free crafting materials

>that kid who got the school award for never being late to class who turned out to be using speedhacks

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Idk how his show is now but in 2017 he would invite random communists and stare at them like that as they talked. It was funny.

0.1 Shekels has been deposited into your account.

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I can tell you the staring hasn't changed at all three years later, dude legit only has one facial expression.

>gets better ratings than anything on CNN
>even beats the NBA

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hes said in an interview that when hes bored or when hes unhappy he starts breathing through his mouth and that hes been a mouth breather since he was a kid.

>when the track & field tryhard accidentally ran to a parallel world

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>he finds a 1% drop and becomes the richest kid in class

There is literally nothing wrong with Tucker Carlson

why does tuck always furrow his brows

he's a bit of a luddite and gets tech-related stuff laughably wrong
other than that he's the only reason to turn on the television anymore

perpetually seething

>That kid that wavedashed into the cafetaria

His new stuff feels like he's grasping at straws at times. Old tuck was hilarious. He invited some LARPer on the show and called him out on being a leader of a fake anti trump movement.

>that kid that bhopped to school

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Imagine the toll trying to control the narrative for a conservative propaganda network has on your sanity.

He is a big poo poo head

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>look in wallet
>zero shekles
>read fine print
>fucking 0.1 shekels in tax

>That kid that Naruto ran to class

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Every fucking thing is a popularity contest in America.

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he confirmed to be retarded?

why does tucker carlson always look like he just sniffed some doo doo

So dear americlaps, are you going to have a civil war after the elections?
If there is a year to do it has to be 2020.

>Principal's Car Keys

Amerilards don't know how to have civil wars anymore, just uncivil ones.

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he keep saying the riots aren't about race
he's just another gate keeper, the current most popular one

We're already having a civil war. It's just that one side is incompetent and the other side is cowardly and they're mostly trying to avoid each other.

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Shooting Iraqis for DynCorp changes a man. Tucker is no exception.

vast majority of the country doesn't give a shit, stop buying into internet hysteria

Nah he's a colossal fag

But what if the losing side of the elections does not accept the result?

fuck you asshole

They really aren't, vast majority of rioters are white or (((white)))
The riots are literally losing Biden the black and hispanic vote

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Tucker really does make limpwrists seethe, great thread

>The riots are literally losing Biden the black and hispanic vote
source: my ass

>The one kid who would always get his ass kicked in PvP

>that one kid who turned up the bloom setting after the Bill nye level

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>doesn’t refute the fact that the riots are about unwarranted white guilt
Cuz u know it true

Look up the polls, losing him the boomer vote too

From what I've seen, the Latinos I know hate the riots. Idk if it will cost him the Latino vote but they sure hate these riots.

lay off the propaganda kid, there's a reason you've been consistently wrong about everything your entire life and nothing ever goes your way
use your fucking brain for once

tucker carlson blames natural disasters on woke culture
also he's from an immensely rich family, which is why he has so much rich people inbreeding that he looks like he's sculpted out of cream cheese

>acts like a retard all the time
>everyone treats him as such