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my hacked vita > that soi shit


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Both are soi shit. /thread

what the fuck even are you

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a 6,1" Zig Forums chad

Are these chink devices actually good? Feels like im being lied to with every "review" video i watch

got a refund because the stupid cunts had not even sent mine in over 1.5 weeks after the ship date. Fuck em. Got my refund. I'll emulate instead then.

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>puts a million games on it
>never plays a single one

I can feel the handcramps just by looking at the picture

>Are these chink devices actually good?

Actually I think is plastic.

White basedboy.

>yet another shill chink thread

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I am, friend of mine got one and the general built quality is actually pretty good

I just ordered mine (indigo) after six months of first model

b-b-b-but buying Chinese is OK, we swear the money won't end up on the CCP budget!

A cute girl (male)

>another r*troid shill thread

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If it ran linux and the second stick was analog I would buy one. I have a gpd xd and android is awful without using the touchscreen.

ayyyy lmao

Bro just use your phone and a clip for a controller. How are people so stupid. All that shit fits in my jncos no problem so it’s equally portable.

>all these seething poorfags

What games does it come with

I have a switch lite, I don't need a chink knockoff

>switch lite

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You look more like a s oy gurggling faggot.

What does it do?

My son...

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plays every game up to ps1/dreamcast flawlessly, it comes with 32gb memory card and has an internal software to download roms on the fly

Does it play PS1 and Dreamcast games flawlessly ?

>retroid pocket
why would I when i have a hombrewed 2ds and vita?

PS1 yes, Dreamcast depends on the games

the dmg is so damn sexy

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Based Bonaire poster