Why do YouTubers praise the N64 like it's the second coming of Jesus when it only has like 1 good exclusive and 5 good...

Why do YouTubers praise the N64 like it's the second coming of Jesus when it only has like 1 good exclusive and 5 good multiplats, neither of which are amazing and most have better versions on other platforms.

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Because Shiturn and Gaystation suck.

mmm yes very compelling points

The playstation only had Crash Bandicoot and MGS
the rest was either shit or overrated to hell and back

>oh look its this thread again
See a therapist

Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are the best games of all time (better than anything on PlayStation) and playshitendies/shaturds will NEVER, EVER, EVER get to play them, ever. Cope.

oh look, it's the thread we get on VR three times a day. fancy seeing you here

>Hogs of war was shit
>Worms was shit.

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but user, i played all my favourite nintendo games on my ps vita

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Yes to both