At the iconic annual "Virtual Crunchyroll Expo" (held for the first time in digital format), Crunchyroll announced the new partnership with the Adult Swim platform for the production of "Shenmue" - an original anime series based on the franchise of the beloved counterpart game SEGA.

This co-production will be broadcast globally outside of Japan and mainland China on the Crunchyroll and Adult Swim platforms.

"The first Shenmue video game was released more than 20 years ago and we are excited to work with Adult Swim again to bring this franchise to life through the anime series. We look forward to showing our fans more of this action-packed adventure series, ”said Sarah Victor, head of Crunchyroll Development.

Shenmue is a 13-episode anime series that chronicles the adventure of Ryo Hazuki. After witnessing his father's murder, Ryo dedicates his life to searching for the killer - a mission that takes him from the Japanese streets of Yokosuka to beyond the Hong Kong metropolis. In search of revenge, he will soon find out that mystical forces are involved, and in the meantime he is training to become an expert in martial arts.

"The Shenmue world is fascinating and unique, and we're excited to work with Yu Suzuki (the game's creator) to turn his epic creation into anime and make bestial martial arts," said Jason DeMarco, creative director of Adult Swim.

The production of Crunchyroll and Adult Swim "Shenmue" is directed by Sakurai Chikara in the Telecom Animation Film studios, managed by Sola Entertainment. Video game creator Yu Suzuki is also on the team as executive producer.

Recent collaborations between Crunchyroll and Adult Swim include "Fena - Pirate Princess" and "Blade Runner - Black Lotus". Fans eager to see the launch announcement can register for a free Virtual Crunchyroll Expo badge on and can access the Crunchyroll Industry Panel in the V-CRX On-Demand section

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Shenmue 4 confirmed if this is covering 1-3


>dude that directed gundam seed is directing this


>This shit is getting a anime series over Yakuza 1 and 2
Fuck off

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Cope Yakuza baby

Looks like Dusk was right. Can't wait to see MH Switch on the RE Engine

I would gladly watch the rest of Shenmue's story in anime form. I fear that, if we continue in video game form, we will need 20 games to see the full story.

Get fucked nigger.

>Dusk Golem leaks are bullshit he's never ri-

Silent Hill and RE8 chads where you at???

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Just let this shit die already. Shenmue story was never good. Just tired old tropes except this turd didn't even make it past 10 minutes of a movie with the same plot.

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OH FUCKKKK FORGOT ABOUT THIS. Feels good to be a SH/RE/Shenmue chad

Yakuza is cringe immature garbage.

That's cool, though I don't think one cour can cover all three games unless they seriously rush.

Based and Ryopilled

>The production of Crunchyroll and Adult Swim "Shenmue" is directed by Sakurai Chikara
>also directed One Punch Man S2


If they're able to wring the story out of Suzuki and present it in completion then shenmue bros will finally have won
Suzuki is a hack and will probably push for a non-ending cliffhanger so he can try to launch more kickstarters though


>The season tackles the first game and part of the second game. Includes a lot of story ideas they never got to put into the game either due to budget, time, or mature rating reasons. It'll be an adult animated retelling of Shenmue 1 & 2 with lost story beats.

Fuck this might actually be good

I can't wait for the Monster Hunter Switch thread

Holy fuck

I thought Shen 3 was a gigantic fucking disappointment but this is amazing

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>Includes a lot of story ideas they never got to put into the game either due to budget, time, or mature rating reasons. It'll be an adult animated retelling of Shenmue 1 & 2 with lost story beats.

>Includes a lot of story ideas they never got to put into the game either due to budget, time, or mature rating reasons. It'll be an adult animated retelling of Shenmue 1 & 2 with lost story beats.

>Includes a lot of story ideas they never got to put into the game either due to budget, time, or mature rating reasons. It'll be an adult animated retelling of Shenmue 1 & 2 with lost story beats.

Ryo’s going to bang Joy

(And That's a Good Thing) that said Shenmue is my series

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>anime is well received
>covers Shenmue 3 in 2nd season
>Shenmue 4 gets released with a much better budget and shits on 3
>We get a spin-off anime with Tom

How based would this be

Will they draw her like her in-game model or like the one in Passport?

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Good taste bro. We all know she’s the best out of all of them

The art seems great at least so I'm not worried

At least Yakuza didn't leave off with a cliffhanger over a decade

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sounds like absolute shit. shenmue is already pretty boring as a game, it's about the journey and experiencing the world of it, I can't help but feel they're gonna shove some shitty 'event' in every episode that entirely ruins the atmosphere the games cultivate so well.

>it's about the journey and experiencing the world of it
You're right about that, and only about that. The 1st game had plenty of "events". It even had Quick Time Events!
Did you replay it recently? It's really not boring, Shenmue 3 is actually the game with the least amount of interesting scenes happening through the whole game and it's the only one in the series that I would call "boring"