why does MGS reward you for pacifism when every guard pretty much dies regardless of whether you kill them or not?
>Shadow Moses gets nuked
>Tanker sinks with everyone in it
>Big Shell sinks to reveal Arsenal
>Tselinoyarsk gets nuked
>Grozny Grad gets nuked
I mean they're goners even if you just knock them out
Why does MGS reward you for pacifism when every guard pretty much dies regardless of whether you kill them or not?
>Shadow Moses gets nuked
It doesn't though. The Secretary of Defense is arrested and Solidus calls off the strike.
And the point isn't whether or not they lived forever after you knocked them out, it's about whether Snake (and the player) are making the choice to kill them
Because MGS quite frankly has some really poorly implemented game design and it comes from how Hideo Kojima makes games. Basically when somebody on the team suggests an idea to him, he doesn't hesitate, he always gives them a yes/no answer (he said this himself)
This means that his games tend to be filled with tons of cool albeit half-baked ideas that don't really fit well together.
Everyone will die sooner or later, it's still a crime if you go to someone on their deathbed and pulls the plug if you're not a doctor
it's not a crime if you push them off a railing, blast them with explosives, or chuck a venomous animal at them either.
It's about being a ghost and leaving as few traces as possible of your existence.
>shoot them between the eyes with a dart full of tranquilizer strong enough to take down an elephant
>non lethal
You can't do MGS1 non-lethal, its practically impossible and maddening
I only ever spared Johnny because obvious reasons.
It's harder (at least, it's intended to be).
Same reason collecting Dog Tags and shooting Kerotans rewards you despite Snake getting nothing out of it in terms of story.
Most Genome Soldiers lived and were captured by the government and experimented on because of the Big Boss genes that were able to be injected within them. Solid Snake killing the Genome Soldiers nights have been preferable to how nearly all canonically ended up. We can presume that they were freed from captivity after the destruction of the Patriots
> Grozny Grad gets nuked
yeah and like most of the soldiers end up pursuing you and EVA so the death toll's a bit lower.
To be fair with Big Shell, it's entirely possible people could've survived it sinking if they swam, it wasn't like the Tanker incident where most of them were trapped in the lower decks which flooded pretty quickly after RAY blasted a hole in the thing.
Shadow Moses doesnt get nuked, but it becomes a black site, and all the genome soldiers get incarcerated end experimented further upon. Snake breaking their necks is mercy killing.
it's harder to play using the tranq gun. less damage, guards wake up, no upgrades through the whole game.
Been ages but the elevator segments fuck up the no kill on mgs1, right? And are you able to kill Johnny? In the jailcell I assume?
You can either play dead with the ketchup otacon gives you, or hide under bed, when he comes from the bathroom and enters the cell, you tap 8 times and knock him out instead, then escape.
Elevator and stair segments definitely both fuck up no kill runs.
Ohh damn, yeah I forgot there were stair segments, too
You can't no-kill MGS1, but you can get under 25 kills which is required for Foxhound. The forced alerts are also the only ones you're allowed.
It can't go lower than 25? Even if you're not including the one's that you can make Meryl kill instead outside the jailcells?
The ones that attack you and Meryl on the cells happen during alert times, same as stairs and elevator segments
The game doesn't count killing during alerts as actual kills in the post-game report.
But, as 100% no kill run is not tangible on MGS1.
Oh, nice. Thanks for clarifying that. I need to try that 25 kill run one day. I've been busy trying to plat mgs4 so a nice nostalgic change of pace may be in order.
Thats cool, im gonna go through 2 and then im gonna plat 3 now since its the easiest (fuck platting 2)
I heard 4 plat was really really grindy, something like, 8 runs needed for it?
Yeah, 8 minimum due to needing all the emblems for 2 of the ipod tracks. Nearly done I just need a few "so many alerts so many kills" type emblems and all the flashbacks still have to be viewed. What's wrong with the plat on mgs2? Or what makes it bad compared to 3?
VR Mission hell on hard, theres like 60 of them.
3 can be done in 2 runs and its mostly a very comfy plat with the only annoyance being the monkey emblems which can be done easily with a guide.
MGS4 isn't insanely long, it's the same amount of gameplay as MGS3. I would imagine platinuming MGSV would be the hardest and PW would be the easiest
>Shadow Moses gets nuked
So what you're saying is you didn't even play the game. You realize going back to Shadow Moses is an important plot point in MGS4, right?
MGS1 allows a certain number of kills since there is only one way of non-lethally dispatching guards through choking, theres no non-lethal weapons.
Which is honestly better, MGS2 onwards are 10x better if you handicap yourself a little and dont use the tranq pistol, that shit is broken in every game
MGSV hard how?
The only thing that can potentially be hard is S ranking all the main ops, which can be done with a guide easily.
Time consuming, for sure, but MGSV is a game built for longievity so its part of the main course anyway.
I'll be sure to tell the judge that.
MGSV isnt hard, you can do 3 runs for every mission at most and get all objectives plus the S rank, you dont have to do it all in one sweep,
It's just time consuming, all the boring side-ops plus the animal collection shit contributes to it
Ah, gotcha. Yeah that sounds a bit stressful. 2's VR stuff at least has the kaiju soldier and ninja mission type shit thrown in to mix it up a bit, right?
I found that going into freeroam and hitting whatever side ops are on the map at any given time with whatever gear and ammo I have at the moment made doing them a bit more fun. Or less tedious at least. Until you come across armored troops with nothing but guns lacking in penetration, at least lol