This is the modern representation of British girls according to Japan

This is the modern representation of British girls according to Japan.

What are your thoughts?

Attached: 1574350436929.jpg (1554x2174, 1.98M)

The whole idea of blacks with blue eyes is such a cope that doesn't exist in the real world. Either way I'd like to rape her stink ditch

Sonia, the ginger goddess, was the hottest girl from Sword and Shield.

>The whole idea of blacks with blue eyes is such a cope that doesn't exist in the real world
Good thing it's a fictional place then. Nothing gets past you eagle eye.

>characters in series have green hair, blue hair, orange eyes, purple eyes etc.
>black character has blue eyes
based electionfag retard

This you?

Attached: 0o6l6ejjd5k51.png (640x769, 617.48K)

google cheddar man

What uh... colors are you seeing there user?

And they look nothing like real black people.

