Serial Killers

How is there not a game about this yet? Not talking about the hunting them down or escaping them, rather their perspective?
>all the preparation and killing, the fun of messing around with the police
>seeing your achievements in the paper and the people around you talking about it
>the excitement of going back to the crime scene people around you oblivious to the fact you're the killer all this time

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I don't know if you noticed, but most gameplay mechanics are incredibly simple, and what you're talking about, is comparatively complex. Most games have mechanics like, point this gun and this effect comes out when you shoot it, and them some physics happens. You're talking about a game where you constantly manipulate AI.

Also, serial killers are a taboo subject, and no developer would make a game about it for fear of being reprimanded as deviants.

I wouldn't say it's out of reach with current technology, A.I could be at hitman level, the A.I is very exploitable and can be manipulated, all that's really needed is the feature of having a dynamic wanted system maybe?

Also R* could get away with manhunt and Postal exists still, all that's really missing is better features

How come there is no SMITE-esque multiplayer game where you play as infamous criminals fighting each other in an arena in hell?

I met BTK.

Because most them can't run a few meters without being exhausted, something like The Ship would work though
How was it?

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20 years ago, we got postal 2 and manhunt. The modern pearl clutching pederasts would never let this fly. They'd make some nebulous speech about how 'we have to do better' like every shitstain mutt puts out to the press when they fuck up.

Heavy rain exist.

Yandere Simulator.

Most people find it extremely difficult to sympathize with psychopaths and boy molesters and probably wouldn't want to play as one.

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It exists tough.

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sounds like an intriguing idea for a game. has a lot of potential but most companies wouldnt find a game like that to be worthy of proper investment.

Does anyone remember that serial killer roguelike project that turned out to be a scam?

I imagine he is unimaginably condescending

Because killing is morally evil! Our society could never do such a thing. Now go back to playing your shooters.

well like anything ignoring them like everything they stand for always works
doesn't really fit, plus made by david cage
it could be a good way in order to really symphatize with them though, pedophilia not so much, but the murder is fair play imo
Mass murderer =/= Serial killer
I beg to disagree it's an unexplored genre and doesn't seem that hard to make, would make decent profits with the right push

yeah, a few years ago I believe, was it pic related? anyone could just take the idea now desu but nobody seems to want it

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>those shark eyes

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I guess the idea of having to kill someone vs wanting to kill someone is still a blurred line for some people

>I beg to disagree it's an unexplored genre and doesn't seem that hard to make, would make decent profits with the right push
People instantly freak out when they can't compare one game to another. Death Stranding,LA Noir,Beyond Good & Evil,Brutal Legend,Daikatana and Last Guardian were all failures. Gaymen is business before all else and publisher wants to make profit not art. That's why 3A gaming is cücked beyond saving and that's why people are always making same winning formula games when marketing/production budgets increased beyond imagination.

Yeah that's the one. Shit that was in 2010 this happened. I remember a big drama and a bunch of accusations flying around. I'm surpised no one did take up the idea.

Condemned 1/2 revolve around a serial killer, though the second not so much.

Morshu on the bottom 2nd from left

Other than daikatana and last guardian, the rest of the games are decent , besides serial killing CAN be compared to hitman, also doesn't necessarily need to be high budget pic related was close desu, but didn't quite nail it, also by your logic derivative games would be the best games of all time, marlow briggs would be the best video game ever made

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Gamers aren't white women

>around a serial killer
i'm sick of this concept, even hannibal the tv show did this everytime will graham was on the screen it just devolved into him whining all the time and feeling sorry for himself enough of that crap

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Yeah, loved the series.
But i rather had it being more focused on hannibal instead of the relation between will and him, and the cat and mouse that followed.

to this day I still want to see it happen even with the graphics of something like Neo Scavenger or cataclysm

at best you could do a roguelike and even that would be extremely difficult to pull off and would get limited support

CDDA is nearly a serial killer simulator as it is

I suppose it was necessary to set up red dragon but it was just too drawn out, you would expect something like the movie red dragon to happen where will knows how to deal with hannibal but instead we got weird symbolism all the time

close really close but no not really, the theme doesn't feel right

There's Lucius

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The best I could do was have a mister sandman only run in New Vegas where I just used speech and small guns and could only eat people in hardcore mode while needing to kill people at least twice a day with mister sandman, it was fun, but nobody questioning why people are getting murdered in their sleep bothers me quite a bit

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>having only one way to kill someone, doesn't sit right with me might as well be something like those newgrounds/kongregate games

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