Focused Direct on October 1st.
Release date: November 13th 2020.
No, Zelda isn't playable.
Hookshot is in.
7 old style dungeons + 150 shrines
You can fix weapons.
No dark world, no underground and no underwater exploration. Flying islands are in though.
The Legend of Zelda: Song of Destiny
wow thanks for the information mr Zig Forums
If 3 it's all true
>Release date: November 13th 2020.
at least try to make it a bit believable
You can never fake a Zelda game because people always give gayest sounding subtitles.
If 6 OP sucks dicks
If not 6 OP sucks cocks
>Hookshot is in.
>You can fix weapons.
This is all I really want, to be honest, though I wouldn't mind if they just chucked durability out altogether. Also it'd be nice if the glider and hookshot could work in combination for great movement options like they do in the Just Cause games but that's probably a lot to ask.
If non-zero integer OP is a faggot
if evens everyone in this thread is based
if odds everyone in this thread will cum shit fart cough burp and sneeze simultaneously within the next ten seconds
>No, Zelda isn't playable.
Guys my dad is nintendo, he leaked some good info for u all to see
>Zelda: Bobs and Vagene
>Zelda is the only playable protag and u can see her boobs and vagina if u take off ur clothes
>the gameplay is to cuck link by fucking as many wild animals as possible
>u can shower
Thanks guys. I’ll be in touch with more info from my dad soon
Will people unironically be upset if Zelda isn't playable? For some reason, I feel there will be way more anger over it with BOTW 2 if it doesn't happen.
What's even with the obsession with wanting to play as her anyway?
I don't see the appeal, least of all BotW Zelda. TP Zelda or Tetra would at least be cool with potentially interesting gameplay. Hell, ST Zelda would be pretty cool.
The sequel released yesterday, its called Craftopia for some reason
I won't, Link is the only playable character ever needed in a Zelda game.
Also BotW Zelda is boring.
What are the chances of them
>actually releasing the game in 2021?
>showing gameplay/trailer not one month in advance like they do nowadays?
If 5 this is entirely true
>November 13th 2020
>No dark world, no underground and no underwater exploration.
So they specifically hired terrain designers for ...?
it's so shit I believe it
> BOTW 2
> Coming out this year
kek sure
Good try but zelder isn't coming out this year. Next year being the 35th anniversary for it makes a release then significantly more likely.
>Release date: November 13th 2020.
A playable Zelda would be underwhelming compared to all the cool new arm shit Link is going to get
I think it’s a result of people being btfo’d over the false hope of a female Link in BotW since the initial teaser. Only reason any of them actually care about Zelda being playable is for the “yass slay queen” Twitter points. With no care about what or how her gameplay would be.
it's not coming out in fuggen november 2020
if dubs the game gets cancelled
>No, Zelda isn't playable.
This would be a poor move. She doesn't need rescuing anymore. Everyone would lose their shit if she's a companion you could switch between.
Yeah, right...
Twitter subhumans don't count as "everyone"
Fake Zelda titles are always so predictable.