Who did it better?

who did it better?

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Arkham Asylum.

Batman > spiderman

Batman wins by virtue of lore/side characters/villains.

The combat, characters and overall story are better in any BamHam.
Also, I don't understand how Arkham Knight can still hold up graphically to first party games released years later. Even on PS4.

Lol spiderman rapes all batman games

They're all good games but the batman trilogy dabs on spiderman.

Typical Spiderman fan

Dark and brooding capeshit is peak dishonesty. Alan Moore was right about how manchildren have highjacked superheroes and turned them into the opposite of what they're meant to be.

Spider-Man is fun and inspiring so its definitely better.

Spider-Man = Asylum > Knight > City = Origins
This is as overall games. Spidey has better combat and mobility than any Batman game but Asylum is just really well put together. Origins would be below City but it has a few cool upsides that put it on par. Gotham Knights is a skip, the moment I saw damage numbers fly out of goons all my interest died.

I don't think there's a single Batman game that's better than half of the Spider-Man games.

> Alan Moore was right
Alan Moore is a retarded boomer that ended his illustrious career by writing pedo fantasies and fish rape comics. Also an unironic commie. The utter definition of a manchild

>best games
>best movies
>best TV shows
>best comics

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Does best worst count?

PS4 Spider-man is more like Arkham Origins than City.
I love SM-PS4 but I've finished the NG+ on Ultimate difficulty by just spamming the same 3 gadgets and takedowns to fill those gadgets.

I really expected Spiderman combat to have more stealth attacks, but after opening its just dodge fest

>PS4 Spider-man is more like Arkham Origins
Damn. That bad?


gameplay isn't better on batman

Spodeman was a bit better except that arkham city masterfully use the villains while spiderman hunts pigeon and social media influencers

>gameplay isn't better on batman
Get a load of this SNOY. Not only is the gameplay better, the stories are better too.

But the batman game are also very easy, what's your point ? And Origin was harder than city, asylum and knight what's your godamn point?

>gameplay isn't better on batman
It is, the combat in City is already really tight and if we talk about Knight where it reaches a peak of what you can do as Batman it's not even a competition.
Not to mention that BamHam's stealth actually has more dept than the puddle tier complexity of Spiderman PS4 specially on Knight.
inb4 "Hurr durr it's unfair to compare the third entry of a franchise to the first of another".
No it isn't, specially when they tried to emulate what Rocksteady did.
I like Spiderman PS4, but it's nowhere near the BamHam's games.
Those godawful repetitive crimes on SM-PS4 are easily the worst of the content.

I mean, the Spider-Man game cribbed a lot from the Bamham games, so it's not really fair to compare them. Hell, Spider-Man even has the drug-induced hallucination level segments. I feel like the overall story in Spider-Man was more enjoyable, because Pete's a more likeable character than The Chin, but I don't think that necessarily makes it the better game.


>And Origin was harder than city, asylum and knight
Only if you were attempting to do the challenges they forced into the game to unlock the Dark Knight (I think that's what it was called) suit which were untested trash.
Seethe, cope and sneed, Snoygger (ironic as I game on PS4).
Also, not an argument.

Not bad, but PS4 Spider-Man has some obvious, glaring issues on an otherwise great game. With how much they did right it's almost shocking seeing what went wrong.
>Mary Jane is nigh universally despised because she acts like a cunt to Peter without any good reason
>Miles Morales could literally be cut from the game and nothing would change
>Silver Sable, a regular woman with no superpowers, gets the drop on Spider-Man three or four times in cutscenes throughout the game. Pete's Spider-Sense just doesn't fucking work when she makes him job because the writing demanded it. You never get to fight her to make up for the times she casually humiliates Spider-Man. She is an awful, poorly written character.
>Negative Man is the villain for basically the first 2 acts of the game, and the sinister mostly get introduced in the final act without the build-up they deserve.
>Combat is not a challenge even on the hardest difficulty, if that's what you're hoping for. You have to "adjust" the difficulty yourself by not using certain gadgets that trivialize goons.
>Combat is more about styling on enemies rather than being challenged, which is fine, but gadgets like the anti-grav or the flying drone that shoots lasers don't feel like they belong in a Spider-Man game. Those gadgets probably should have been replaced by some fancy web tricks or something.
>Stealth sections with MJ and Miles have no goddamn place in the game. They commit the unforgivable sin of not being fun.
>Spider-Man's stealth takedowns all use the same three or so animations. It gets old quick.
>Web-slinging is decent, but there's times you'll know something's off when you swing past certain objects and don't go the way you should have.
The game is honestly like this picture.
It does so much right while at the same time stumbling in areas you think they would've had things under control.

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Batman by far.
Game world not tied to real life so they get more artistic freedom with Gotham.
Any complaints made against City and Knight being open world applies tenfold to Spidershit. Spidershit New York is mostly empty and boring.
While in Batkino there is a Riddler Trophy or Side mission around every corner, to the point were fags were getting filtered trying to 100% the game.
Batman has a Batmobile which retards on Zig Forums complain about, but it's actually the funnest thing you can play with in a capeshit vidya.

Arkham Knight dabs on Spidershits graphics.
Story in Spidershit is so forgettable. Supporting cast is also laughable compared to Chad Alfred and the rest of the Bat-Family.
Combat for all spidershit games was basically trash until after Arkham series. Then they basically copied it for spiderman PS4.
Spiderman doesn't have any kino stealth sections, Batmobile, or 1 vs 50x fights, so ultimately the gameplay of Batman is way, waaaaay better.

>Muh verticality.
>Muh swinging
1. Gotham has plenty of verticality.
2. Fuck swinging, take the glide-pill.

Spiderlets utterly annihilated kek.

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>not villains

Batman games on the hardest difficulty aren't easy.
Origins wasn't harder than the rest of them.
My point is that Batman did it better than Spiderman.

>Spiderlets utterly annihilated kek.
Ironically, Alan Moore wrote one of the most famous and darkest/brooding Batman comics of all time and he didn't write a single Spider-man comic in his entire life.
He's one of the pioneers of making comic books darker and edgier. The only reason he "turned" against it is because he was a massive drama queen and was basically culled from writing mainstream profitable comics for the last 30 years.

Yes they are very easy on the hardest setting and yes origin was by far the hardest on hard, the bane fight on the rooftop had awful hitbox that made him the hardest boss by far in the series stfu retard

I agree with you that Batman games aren't hard even though they're some of my favorite games of all time. I am completely shit at action games and even I've managed to complete them on hard and new game+
90% of my deaths in these game was because I was impatient and getting mogged by some random thugs/shitty boss battle.