Why can't nintendo least have them kiss?
Why can't nintendo least have them kiss?
Jaxon Reyes
Ayden Butler
kissing is illegal in japanese culture
when was the last time you saw a couple kiss in any weeb game? yeah thats what i thought
Kevin Mitchell
Horse pussy.
Cameron Wright
Rean kisses Alisa in cold steel 2 which btfo self insert waifs fags because he doesn’t kiss anyone else.
Bentley Harris
I don't think Link would kiss a horse
Isaiah Fisher
I want to cum inside Epona's semen absorber ball drainer HORSE PUSSY
Gotta massage those crotchtits
Dominic King
japanese really are opposed to showing affection I hate people touchy feely people as much as anyone but japanese won't even hug their family after being away for a decade
Jaxson Hernandez
Joseph Martin
Jeremiah Ward
It would be rather inappropriate to show link kissing his horse.